Suspension: Adjustments
Vertical ``D'' Dimension:
Ride Height ``D'' Dimension:
Height Sensor Adjustment:
1. Position vehicle on level surface.
2. Ensure air suspension switch is in ON position, then turn ignition switch to Run position, waiting about 2 minutes.
3. Rock vehicle sideways to remove effect of suspension friction, then allow to settle.
4. Turn air suspension switch to Off position.
5. Measure vertical dimension from rear axle tube frame inboard reinforcement rail, Fig. 20.
6. Position suitable height gauge, Fig. 21, then measure rear ride height ``D'' dimension.
7. If ``D'' ride height dimension is not within specifications, Fig. 20, adjust by moving rear height sensor attaching bracket up or down, Fig. 22. Moving bracket one index mark up or down will change vertical ``D'' dimension about .35 inch.
8. After adjustment is made, repeat steps 4 through 6.