Alignment: Service and Repair
PRELIMINARY INSPECTIONPrior to performing the front wheel alignment, a preliminary inspection should be made to determine the condition of the vehicle's suspension components. The following checks and procedures should be made prior to performing front wheel alignment:
1. Vehicle must be level.
2. Inflate tires to specified pressure (cold).
3. Check vehicle ride height.
4. Inspect all suspension and steering components for looseness.
5. Check existing caster, camber, and toe settings prior to alignment.
6. Check all suspension fasteners for proper tightness.
7. Alignment equipment must be capable of four wheel alignment.
8. Alignment rack must be leveled to 1/16 of an inch, side to side and front to rear and be equipped with wheel runout compensation.
9. Do not attempt to adjust alignment by heating or bending.
1. Camber and caster adjustments may be made by loosening the subframe bolts and shifting the subframe as required. If further adjustment is needed, the following procedure may be used.
Alignment Plate Loosening:
2. Center punch spot welds on both strut alignment plates, then loosen strut attaching nuts.
3. Using Rotunda Spot-Eze, or equivalent, remove spot welds.
NOTE: Do not drill deeper than thickness of alignment plates.
4. Remove strut attaching nuts, then the alignment plates.
5. Remove burrs from strut towers and alignment plates, then paint all exposed metal on strut towers and alignment plates.
6. Install alignment plates, then loosely install strut attaching nuts.
7. Align front end, then tighten strut attaching nuts to specifications.
Rivet Hole Location:
8. Drill three 1/8 inch holes as indicated through alignment plates and strut towers, then paint exposed metal.
NOTE: Do not drill deeper than 3/8 inch into strut tower.
9. Install three 1/8 inch diameter pop rivets with a grip range of 1/4 inch into alignment plate/strut tower.
1. Lock steering wheel in straight ahead position using suitable steering wheel holder.
2. Loosen, then slide off small outer clamps from steering boot to prevent boot from twisting during adjustment procedure.
3. Loosen tie rod adjusting and jam nuts, then adjust length of left and right tie rods until each wheel has 1/2 the desired total toe specification.
4. After adjustment is completed, tighten jam nuts, reinstall outer clamps and remove steering wheel holder.
If rear camber is not within specifications, an adjustable rear camber kit is available.
Toe-In is adjusted by rotating the cams located inside the rear inner lower control arm bushings.