Windows: Description and Operation
OPERATIONThe Window Switch in each door sends current through the Window Motor in one direction for "UP" and in the opposite direction for "DN". The current causes the Window Motor to turn in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, raising or lowering the window.
In the "OFF" position, both motor wires are grounded through separate switch contacts.
When the "DN" switch is pushed, power flows to the DN Motor lead. The UP lead acts as ground.
When the "UP" switch is pushed, power flows to the UP motor lead. The DN lead acts as ground.
The Power Windows are protected by inline Circuit Breaker F. Each motor assembly also has a circuit breaker to cut off power if a switch is held too long in the "UP" or "DN" position.
The One Touch Power Window Module, when activated, bypasses the Down Switch and provides motor power through circuit 227 until the drivers door window is fully retracted
The Window Safety Relay allows operation only when the Ignition Switch is in the "ACC" or "RUN" position.