Brake Light Switch: Service and Repair
1. NOTE: The locking tab must be lifted before the connector can be removed.
2. At connector, disconnect wire harness from the stoplight switch (13480).
3. NOTE: Since the stoplight switch side plate nearest the brake pedal is slotted, it is not necessary to remove the brake master cylinder push rod black bushing and one white spacer washer nearest the pedal arm from the brake pedal pin.
Fig. 5 Stop Light Switch:
4. Remove hairpin retainer and white nylon washer. Slide stoplight switch and push rod away from pedal. Remove stoplight switch by sliding stoplight switch up and down.
1. Position stoplight switch so that U-shaped side is nearest pedal and directly over and under pin. The black bushing must be in position in push rod eyelet with washer face on side away from brake pedal arm.
2. CAUTION: Do not substitute other types of pin retainers. Replace only with a production hairpin retainer.
3. Slide stoplight switch up or down, trapping master cylinder push rod and black bushing between stoplight switch side plates. Push stoplight switch and push rod assembly firmly toward brake pedal arm. Assemble outside white plastic washer to pin. Install hairpin retainer to trap whole assembly.
4. NOTE: The stoplight switch wire harness must have sufficient length to travel with the stoplight switch during a full stroke at the pedal. If wire length is insufficient, reroute the harness or service as required. Assemble wire harness connector to stoplight switch.