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Inspection/Maintenance Readiness Code P1000

OBD II Inspection/Maintenance (IM) Readiness Code P1000 is the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) that identifies the OBD II Monitors that have not completed since the computer memory was last cleared.

NOTE: In some states it may be necessary to operate the vehicle until this code is erased from the PCM in order to renew vehicle registration.

DTC P1000 is retained by the Powertrain Control Module with any of the following conditions:

- The vehicle is new from the factory and has not yet been through a complete OBD II Drive Cycle.

- The battery or PCM has been disconnected.

- An OBD II monitor failure had occurred before the completion of a OBD II Drive Cycle.

- The PCM DTCs have been erased with a scan tool as part of the normal repair procedure.

The only way a DTC P1000 can be removed from memory is when all the OBD II monitors have successfully completed during normal vehicle operation.

It is not necessary to remove the P1000 from the PCM by driving the vehicle unless it is requested by the customer to pass an inspection/maintenance test.