S100 - S300
Splice LocationsS100 Starting motor relay and battery ground harness, near Take Out (T/O) to C109
S101 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C188
S102 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C1007
S103 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C201
S104 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C185
S105 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C156
S106 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C1007
S107 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C1007
S108 Engine control harness, near T/O to C175
S109 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C156
S110 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to engine compartment fuse box
S111 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C122
S112 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C102
S113 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C106
S114 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to engine compartment fuse box
S115 Engine control harness, near T/O to C118
S116 Transmission control switch harness, between grommet and C112
S117 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C102
S118 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C122
S119 Engine control harness, near T/O to fuel injector #2
S120 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C135 and C136
S121 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C189
S122 Transmission control switch harness, between grommet and C112
S123 Engine control sensor harness, between grommet and C118
S124 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C188
S125 Transmission control selector neutral switch harness, in T/O to C163
S126 Engine control harness, near T/O to fuel injector #7
S127 Engine control harness, near T/O to fuel injector #2
S129 Engine control harness, near T/O to fuel injector #3
S130 Engine spark knock sensor harness, in T/O to C166
S131 Engine spark knock sensor harness, in T/O to C166
S132 Engine control harness, near T/O to C118
S133 Transmission control selector neutral switch harness, near T/O to C163
S134 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C121 and C122
S135 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C103 and C107
S136 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C121 and C122
S137 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C106
S138 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to octane adjust plug
S139 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C106
S140 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to octane adjust plug
S141 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to octane adjust plug
S142 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C188
S143 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C188
S144 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C189
S145 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C133
S146 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C102
S147 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C181, C187, and C151
S148 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C236
S149 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C236
S150 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C122
S151 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C189
S152 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C135 and C136
S200 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to powertrain control module
S201 Main harness, near T/O to G200
S202 Main harness, in T/O to C207
S203 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C249 and C203
S205 Main harness, near T/O to C293
S206 Main harness, near T/O to C232
S208 Main harness, near T/O to C221
S209 Main harness, near T/O to C229
S210 Main harness, near T/O to C276
S211 Main harness, in T/O to steering column
S212 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near grommet
S213 Engine control sensor harness, near grommet
S214 Main harness, in T/O to C299
S215 Main harness, in T/O to C299
S216 Main harness, near T/O to Instrument Panel (I/P) fuse panel
S217 Main harness, near T/O to C219
S218 Main harness, in T/O to C207
S219 Main harness, in T/O to I/P fuse panel
S220 Main harness, in T/O to I/P fuse panel
S221 Main harness, near T/O to C232
S222 Main harness, in T/O to C226
S223 Main harness, in T/O to C262
S224 Main harness, in T/O to C309
S225 Main harness, near T/O to C225
S226 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, in T/O to C223
S227 Main harness, in T/O to C272
S228 Main harness, in T/O to C238 and C202
S229 Main harness, near T/O to C207
S230 Main harness, near T/O to C253 and C227
S231 Main harness, near T/O to C254
S232 Main harness, in T/O to C201
S233 Main harness, in T/O to C232
S234 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, near T/O to C268
S235 Main harness, in T/O to C225 and C263
S236 Main harness, in T/O to C263
S237 Main harness, near T/O to C226
S239 Main harness, in T/O to C248
S240 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to ignition control module
S241 Main harness, near T/O to C240
S242 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near grommet
S243 Main harness, in T/O to C248
S244 Main harness, in T/O to C269 and C270
S245 Main harness, near T/O to C212
S246 Main harness, in T/O to C228
S247 Main harness, in T/O to C250
S249 Main harness, in T/O to C269 and C270
S250 Main harness, near T/O to C226
S252 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C248 and C212
S253 Main harness, in T/O to C218
S254 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C212 and C248
S255 Main harness, in T/O to C220
S256 Main harness, near T/O to C239
S257 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near grommet
S258 Main harness, in T/O to C273
S259 Main harness, near T/O to C246
S261 Main harness, in T/O to C269 and C270
S262 Main harness, in T/O to C269 and C270
S263 Main harness, in T/O to C241
S264 Main harness, near T/O to C253
S265 Main harness, near T/O to C239
S266 Body main harness, near T/O to C252
S267 Body main harness, near P500
S268 Main harness, near T/O to C226
S269 Main harness, in T/O to C219
S270 Body main harness, near T/O to C252
S271 Main harness, in T/O to C203
S272 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, in T/O to C253
S273 Main harness, in T/O to C227
S274 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C236
S275 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C236
S276 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C110
S277 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to C201
S300 Body main harness, near T/O to C307 and C316