DISASSEMBLEExploded View Of 4R70W (AODE-W), (Part 1 Of 4):
Exploded View Of 4R70W (AODE-W) (Description), (Part 2 Of 4):
Exploded View Of 4R70W (AODE-W) (Description), (Part 3 Of 4):
Exploded View Of 4R70W (AODE-W) (Description), (Part 4 Of 4):
Bearing, Bushing & Thrust Washer Location:
Exploded View Of 4R70W Valve Body:
NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View images when performing disassembly.
1. Mount transmission in suitable holding fixture.
2. Remove oil pan retaining bolts, oil pan, and pan gasket. Discard gasket.
3. Remove oil pan magnet, transmission filter, and grommet.
4. Disconnect connector at each solenoid or sensor. Do not pull on wires. If required carefully pry up on locking tab and disconnect connector.
5. Remove output shaft speed sensor attaching bolt, then the sensor.
6. Remove manual lever position sensor attaching bolt, then the sensor from manual shaft.
7. Remove one 8 mm bolt retaining manual lever detent spring and roller assembly to valve body.
8. Remove remaining valve body to case retaining bolts, then the valve body assembly and gasket.
9. Remove manual shaft roll pin.
10. Using a 3/16 inch open end wrench on inner nut and a 12 mm wrench on manual shaft flats loosen inner nut.
11. Slide manual shaft partially out of case to complete removal of inner nut from shaft.
12. Using a screwdriver on manual lever shaft seal lower edge, carefully pry seal out of case bore.
13. Lift rooster comb and park pawl actuating rod out of case.
14. Remove electronic pressure control solenoid by sliding it out of case bore.
15. Remove 2-3 accumulator retainer, piston and spring.
16. Using servo piston replacer tool No. T92P-7OO23-A or equivalent compress overdrive servo spring, then remove snap ring.
17. Remove overdrive piston assembly and spring.
18. Using same replacer tool compress low/reverse servo cover, then remove retaining ring.
19. Remove low/reverse servo cover, piston, and return spring.
NOTE: Rod attached to piston may vary in length from transmission to transmission. Therefore, they should not be installed in any transmission other than the transmission they were removed from.
20. Apply downward pressure on 1-2 accumulator cover, then remove snap ring.
21. Remove cover and spring. Using reverse snap ring pliers to remove accumulator piston and spring. Note location of 1-2 accumulator spring(s) and assembly in same positions.
Filter Replacement:
22. Remove filter from case.
23. Using seal remover T74P-77248-A or equivalent, remove extension housing seal.
24. Inspect extension housing bushing. If required, remove bushing using remover tool No. T77L-7697-A or equivalent.
25. Remove extension housing mounting bolts, then the housing, and gasket.
26. If output shaft has shipping seal still attached, remove and discard.
27. Slide park pawl shaft out of case, then remove park pawl and return spring.
28. Remove output shaft snap ring and sleeve then place transmission in vertical position with output shaft towards floor.
29. Using front pump seal remover tool No. 1175-AC or equivalent, and slide hammer, remove pump seal.
30. Remove transmission connector from case. Place screwdriver on flat portion of connector and drive connector out through bottom of case.
CAUTION: Do not pull on wires, or use a hammer on connector body.
31. Remove pump body retaining bolts then pump assembly using two impact slide hammers and front pump remover adapters tool No. T80L-77103 or equivalent.
32. Remove pump to case gasket.
33. Grasp turbine shaft firmly and pull intermediate clutch pack, intermediate one-way clutch, reverse clutch assembly, and forward clutch assembly out of case.
CAUTION: Remove assembly carefully to prevent damage to overdrive band friction material by reverse clutch drive lugs.
34. Disengage overdrive band from anchor pin, then remove band.
35. Remove forward clutch hub, No. 3 needle bearing, then the intermediate stub shaft.
36. Rotate shell assembly to align indent with overdrive anchor pin.
37. Remove forward sun gear No. 5 needle bearing, reverse sun gear and drive shell assembly, then the No. 4 needle bearing as an assembly.
38. Remove center support retaining ring. Note position of snap ring tabs for assembly.
39. Using needle nose pliers, remove anti clunk spring out from between center support and case. Note location for assembly.
40. Remove center support and planetary carrier as an assembly, then the low/reverse band.
41. Remove output shaft ring gear and direct clutch as a assembly from front of case.
42. Remove output shaft No. 9 needle bearing from rear of case.
43. Inspect output shaft busing. If removal is required, use bearing cup puller tool No. T77F-1102-A or equivalent, and a impact slide hammer.