With ABS
DESCRIPTIONAnytime service is performed on the ABS valve block or pump and motor assembly, a special bleed procedure must be followed to make sure no air is trapped in the ABS control and modulator assembly. If this procedure is not done, the customer could experience a spongy pedal after ABS actuation. Use Rotunda New, Generation Star, (NGS) Tester or equivalent scan tool.
1. Bleed entire system using a manual or pressure bleed procedure.
2. Connect scan tool to the serial Data Link Connector (DLC) below instrument panel as though retrieving codes.
3. Make sure ignition switch is in the "RUN" position.
4. Follow instructions on the scan tool screen. Choose correct vehicle and model year, go to Diagnostic Data Link ,menu item, choose ABS Module, choose Function Tests and choose Service Bleed.
5. The scan tool will, prompt you to depress the brake pedal. Make sure you push hard on the brake pedal. You will need to hold down the brake pedal for approximately five seconds while the NGS, opens the outlet valves in the brake pressure control valve block. When the outlet valves are. opened, you should immediately feel the pedal drop. Make sure you push the pedal All the way to the floor (very important). The NGS will then instruct you to release the brake pedal. After you release the brake pedal, the NGS will run the ABS hydraulic pump motor for approximately 15 seconds.
6. Repeat Step 6 to make sure all air is flushed from the ABS unit. Upon completion, the scan tool will display Test I Function Successful.
7. Bleed entire system using a manual or pressure bleed procedure.