CAUTION:Cleaning Aluminum Surfaces
Do not use abrasive grinding discs to remove gasket material; use only plastic manual scrapers. Do not scratch or gouge aluminum sealing surfaces.
NOTE: Before assembling cylinder block, all sealing surfaces must be clean and free of chips, dirt, paint and foreign material. Also, make sure coolant and oil passages are clear.
1. Lubricate with clean engine oil meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C910-A1 and install crankshaft main bearings into cylinder block. Install crankshaft main bearings and crankshaft thrust main bearing into main bearing caps.
2. Install crankshaft into cylinder block.
3. Push crankshaft rearward. Lubricate and install upper crankshaft thrust washer (6334) by rolling the crankshaft thrust washer onto machined shelf between rear side of No. 5 bulkhead and thrust surface of crankshaft. Make sure coated side of crankshaft thrust washer with three 5 mm wide oil grooves faces the crankshaft thrust surface.
NOTE: Crankshaft main bearing cap adjusting screws must be bottomed on main bearing cap prior to installation of main bearing cap.
4. Install main bearing caps. Tap main bearing caps with a brass hammer to seat caps properly.
5. Push crankshaft forward using a prybar or similar tool until crankshaft thrust face is flush with number five bulkhead.
NOTE: No. 5 main bearing cap must be seated until the main bearing cap bolts are fully tightened below.
6. With crankshaft pushed forward, install prybars or similar tools to push both RH and LH front edges of No. 5 main bearing cap rearward and position the lower crankshaft thrust main bearing rear face properly against the thrust face of the crankshaft.
CAUTION: Main bearing bolts must be replaced with NEW bolts. They are torque-to-yield designed and cannot be reused.
7. Tighten new main bearing cap bolts in two steps as follows:
a. Tighten bolts in sequence to 37-43 Nm (27-32 ft. lbs.).
b. Rotate bolts in sequence 85-95°.
8. Tighten crankshaft main bearing cap adjusting screws in sequence shown to 9-11 Nm (80-97 inch lbs.).
9. Tighten main bearing cap bolts in sequence shown to 19-23 Nm (14-17 ft. lbs.).
NOTE: Pry against number two main bearing cap.
10. Check crankshaft end play in both directions as shown.
NOTE: Crankshaft rear oil seal retainer must be installed and bolts tightened to specification within five minutes of sealant application.
11. Apply a 2.0 mm (0.08 inch) continuous bead of Anaerobic Gasket Compound Sealer or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G348-A9 to cylinder block as shown.
Rear Oil Seal Retainer Tightening Sequence:
12. Install crankshaft rear oil seal retainer to cylinder block and tighten six bolts in sequence to 8-12 Nm (71-106 inch lbs.).
13. Using Rear Crank Seal Replacer Adapters T95P-6701-BH and Rear Main Seal Replacer T95P-6701-DH, and Rear Crankshaft Slinger Replacer T95P-6701-CH, install crankshaft rear oil seal and crankshaft oil slinger.
CAUTION: Piston, connecting rod and connecting rod bearings are matched sets. If matched sets are not used, engine damage may occur.
14. Coat piston bores, pistons, piston rings crankshaft journals and bearing surfaces with clean engine oil.
NOTE: Make sure piston ring gaps are rotated 30° apart. The identification notch on piston is to point to front of engine.
15. Turn crankshaft until the crankshaft throw is at bottom of stroke. Install correctly numbered piston, connecting rod and upper connecting rod bearing assemblies with Rotunda Piston Ring Compressor 014-00290 or equivalent and a suitable connecting rod guide tool.
CAUTION: Be sure not to scratch cylinder wall or crankshaft journal with connecting rod. Push piston down until connecting rod bearing seats on crankshaft journal.
NOTE: Due to the use of a cracked connecting rod joint face surface, the connecting rod cap must be properly aligned to the connecting rod. The connecting rod and connecting rod cap bearing tangs should be located on the same side of the connecting rod.
16. Install connecting rod cap and lower connecting rod bearing. Alternately tighten new connecting rod cap bolts in three steps:
a. Tighten to 20-25 Nm (15-18 ft. lbs.).
b. Tighten to 40-45 Nm (30-33 ft. lbs.).
c. Tighten bolts an additional 90-120°. After installation, rotate crankshaft to verify smooth operation.
17. Check connecting rod side clearance using Dial Indicator with Bracketry TOOL-4201-C or equivalent. Clearance should be 0.15-0.45 mm (0.006-0.0177 inch). If side clearance is greater than maximum service limit of 0.50 mm (0.020 inch), replace connecting rods and/or crankshaft.
NOTE: Install new O-ring on oil pump screen cover and tube; then start all bolts on oil pump and oil pump screen cover and tube before tightening.
18. Install oil pump and oil pump screen cover and tube.
NOTE: Make sure cylinder heads are installed in their original positions.
19. If cylinder heads are being serviced, see cylinder head Disassembly and Assembly.
CAUTION: Do not use sandpaper coarser than 600 grit or damage to sealing surfaces may occur.
NOTE: Clean cylinder head gasket surface with a toluene-based paint thinner or gasket remover. If gasket material remains on head after cleaning, use a 600-grit sandpaper to remove remaining material. RH and LH head gaskets are NOT interchangeable.
20. Position new head gaskets on cylinder head.
CAUTION: Failure to position crankshaft as shown will cause damage to pistons and/or valve train components.
NOTE: With crankshaft in this position, no piston will be at top dead center (TDC.).
21. Rotate crankshaft to position as shown.
CAUTION: Use care when positioning cylinder heads. Damage to cylinder block and/or cylinder heads may result.
22. Position cylinder heads on cylinder block. Use Cam Positioning Tool Adapters T92P-6256-A and Cam Positioning Tool T91P-6256-A to prevent crankshafts from rotating.
CAUTION: Cylinder head bolts must be replaced with new bolts. They are torque-to-yield designed and cannot be reused.
NOTE: Apply clean engine oil to all head bolt spot-faces.
23. Tighten new cylinder head bolts as follows:
a. Tighten head bolts in sequence to 37-43 Nm (28-31 ft. lbs.).
b. Tighten head bolts in sequence 85-95°.
c. Loosen bolts a minimum of 360°.
d. Tighten to 37-43 Nm (28-31 ft. lbs.).
e. Tighten head bolts in sequence 85-95°.
f. Rotate head bolts in sequence an additional 85-95°.
CAUTION: Crankshaft must only be rotated in the clockwise direction and only as far as top dead center (TDC.) No. 1 cylinder.
24. Rotate crankshaft clockwise 45°. This will position crankshaft at top dead center (TDC.) No. 1.
25. Install timing chains. Follow proper procedures.
26. Install oil pan with new oil pan gasket. Tighten oil pan to cylinder block bolts to 20 Nm (14 ft. lbs.) then an additional 60°.
27. Replace crankshaft front seal (6700) in engine front cover if required.
28. Install engine front cover. Follow proper procedure.
29. Install water pump and tighten retaining bolts to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
30. Install heater water hose.
31. Install crankshaft position sensor and camshaft position sensors into engine front cover and tighten retaining bolts to 8-12 Nm (71-106 inch lbs.).
NOTE: Silicone Gasket and Sealer F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSE-M4G323-A6 must be applied to crankshaft keyway prior to installing crankshaft pulley.
32. Install crankshaft pulley using Crankshaft Damper Replacer T74P-6316-B.
33. Install crankshaft pulley bolt and crankshaft pulley retaining washer. Tighten in four steps:
a. Tighten to 90 Nm (66 ft. lbs.).
b. Loosen one complete turn (360°).
c. Tighten to 47-53 Nm (35-39 ft. lbs.).
d. Tighten an additional 90°.
34. Install RH and LH valve cover gaskets (6584). Tighten studs and bolts to 8-12 Nm (71-106 inch lbs.).
35. If intake manifold was disassembled, assemble as follows:
a. Install new fuel injector O-rings (9C991) on fuel injectors with clean engine oil prior to assembly.
b. Install fuel injection supply manifold and fuel injectors and tighten four bolts to 8-12 Nm (71-106 inch lbs.).
c. Install engine coolant temperature sensor and water temperature indicator sender unit and tighten to 16-24 Nm (12-17 ft. lbs.).
NOTE: Inspect intake manifold gasket for damage. Replace as necessary. Align tabs on intake manifold gasket (9461) with holes in cylinder head.
36. Position new intake manifold gasket on cylinder head.
37. Install intake manifold with nine bolts and tighten to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
NOTE: Water outlet connection retaining bolts are also intake manifold retaining bolts.
38. Install new water outlet connection O-ring and water hose connection. Tighten bolts to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
39. Position new throttle body adapter gasket install throttle body adapter. Tighten five bolts to 8-12 Nm (71-106 inch lbs.).
40. Install accelerator cable bracket (9723). Tighten stud bolt to 8-12 Nm (71-106 inch lbs.).
NOTE: Inspect oil filter adapter gasket for damage. Replace as necessary.
41. Install oil filter adapter and tighten bolts to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
42. Install oil bypass filter and oil cooler, if equipped.
43. Install LH exhaust manifold and tighten nuts to 18-22 Nm (14-16 ft. lbs.).
44. Install RH exhaust manifold and tighten nuts to 18-22 Nm (14-16 ft. lbs.).
45. Install drive belt idler pulley and ignition coil mounting brackets with ignition coils and tighten bolts to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
46. Install A/C compressor and tighten three bolts to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
47. Install EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube. Hand-tighten both fittings, then tighten to 35-45 Nm (26-33 ft. lbs.).
48. Install EGR heat shield. Tighten retaining bolts to 8-12 Nm (71-106 inch lbs.).
49. Connect EGR transducer hoses assembly, main emission vacuum control connector and air bypass valve inlet tube.
50. Install water pump pulley and tighten bolts to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
51. Install generator and tighten generator-to-cylinder block retaining bolts to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft. lbs.).
52. Install generator mounting bracket and tighten to 8-12 Nm (71-106 inch lbs.).
53. Install crankcase vent connector and hose assembly, main emission vacuum control connector and air bypass valve inlet tube.
54. Install flywheel to crankshaft and tighten six bolts to 73-87 Nm (54-64 ft. lbs.).
55. Install fuel charging wiring and connect all applicable wiring connectors.
56. Install spark plugs. Tighten to 16-20 Nm (12-14 ft. lbs.).
57. Install ignition wires.