Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Windshield: Service and Repair




1. Remove the cowl vent screen.
2. Remove the interior rear view mirror. For additional information, refer to Mirrors.
3. Remove the rain sensor module (if equipped). For additional information, refer to Wiper and Washer Systems.

4. Remove the screws and the sun visors.
^ Disconnect the electrical connectors.

5. Remove the screws and the sun visor clips.
6. Remove the LH and RH windshield side garnish mouldings.
7. Partially remove the front door weatherstrip.
8. Partially drop the headliner near the windshield opening and block with suitable material.
9. Disconnect the two heated wiper park grid electrical connectors.

10. Remove the instrument panel defroster opening grille assembly.
^ Disconnect the electrical connectors.

11. Remove the eight screws and the windshield drip mouldings.
12. Using a soft brush or vacuum, remove dirt and foreign material from the pinch weld.

13. Using the special tool, starting at the top center of the windshield, cut the urethane sealant away from the glass and work down the sides.

^ Cover the instrument panel in order to prevent possible damage.
^ Care must be used to avoid scratching the pinch weld.

^ Lubricate the existing urethane sealant with water to aid the special tool while cutting.
^ When cutting foam inside, first cut foam dam to access urethane.

14. Remove the windshield and mouldings assembly using a suitable suction tool.
15. Remove the dual lock windshield glass stops from the sheet metal frame.
16. Using a soft brush or vacuum, remove dirt and foreign material from the pinch weld.


CAUTION: After installing the new urethane-installed glass, the vehicle should not be driven until the Urethane Sealant has cured. The curing time at temperatures above 13° C(55°F) and relative humidity above 50% is 12-24 hours (decreasing at higher temperatures and lower humidities). Inadequate curing of the Urethane Sealant may adversely affect the strength of the Urethane Sealant bond.

1. Dry fit the replacement windshield glass to the existing urethane bed on the body pinch weld. Align the windshield in the opening for uniform fit and adjust setting blocks as needed for best fit.
2. Use tape or non-permanent marking pencil to make alignment marks on the windshield (preferably at the setting blocks), and the body to aid in the installation alignment of the replacement windshield.
3. After alignment, remove the windshield and moulding assemblies from the vehicle and place on a stable work surface.

4. Trim the remaining urethane sealant on the pinch weld. The urethane must be smooth and free of cuts and contamination after trimming. Avoid touching the urethane surface after preparation.

CAUTION: Care must be taken to avoid scratching the pinch weld.

5. Check the pinch weld for damaged sheet metal, raised sheet metal at the spot welds, rust or foreign material that may cause glass breakage. Clean or repair surface as necessary.

CAUTION: All rust found on the pinch weld must be removed and the pinch weld restored to OEM specifications. If surface rust is found, remove completely down to clean, bare metal. Prime pinch weld metal with an OEM recommended curing automotive paint primer and allow to cure properly. If rust has penetrated through the pinch weld metal, repair the pinch weld sheet metal at a body shop before proceeding.

6. Use the wool applicator to apply Urethane Metal Primer Essex U-413 meeting Ford specification WSB-M2G234-C to any exposed metal on the pinch weld. Allow six to ten minutes to dry.
7. If re-installing the same windshield that was removed, trim the remaining urethane adhesive from the windshield surface, leaving a thin layer for adhering to the new urethane bead.
8. Clean the inside of the glass surface with an alcohol-free cleaner to make sure the ceramic-coated area is clean.
9. Align the "V" notch in the ceramic paint and windshield outside molding at top center. Fully seat the windshield outside molding along the top edge of the windshield glass and along the sides and bottom edges of the windshield glass.

^ Place the windshield glass inside up on a low, stable work surface.
^ If the moulding is already on the windshield glass, proceed to the next step.

10. Remove the dual lock windshield glass stop adhesive backing.
11. If installing a new windshield glass, apply Urethane Glass Prep Essex U-401 meeting Ford specification WSB-M2G314-B twice around the glass surface to be prepped.

CAUTION: Wipe off the urethane glass prep immediately after each application because it flash dries. Apply deliberate strokes, making sure not to overlap the applied area.

12. If installing a new windshield glass, apply Urethane Glass Primer Essex U-402 meeting Ford specification WSB-M5B280-C to the same area that was prepped in the previous step. Allow five minutes to dry.

13. Cut the urethane applicator tip to specification.

14. Apply a bead of Urethane Sealant Essex 400-HV or Essex U-216 meeting Ford specification WSB-M2G316-B to the pinch weld just outside the foam tape dam.

CAUTION: If the vehicle is to be driven within 24 hours of urethane sealant application, Urethane Sealant Essex U-216 meeting Ford specification WSB-M2G316-B must be used due to its one-hour cure time.

15. Install the windshield glass on the vehicle, aligning it with marks made previously.

CAUTION: Before installing the windshield glass, open the windows slightly to prevent the windshield from being pushed out by air pressure as the door is closed.

NOTE: The windshield glass must be positioned within 10 minutes of applying the urethane adhesive.

16. Check the windshield installation for air or water leaks through the urethane bead and add urethane sealant where needed.
17. Place two strips of duct tape onto the windshield glass and secure it to the roof panel. This will help avoid misalignment while the urethane cures.
18. Install the windshield drip mouldings.
^ Install the eight screws.

19. Install the instrument panel defrost opening grille assembly.
^ Connect the electrical connector.

20. Connect the two heated wiper park grid electrical connectors.
21. Position the headliner.
22. Install the weatherstrips.
23. Install the LH and RH windshield side garnish mouldings.

24. Install the sun visor clips and screws.

25. Install the sun visors and screws. Connect the electrical connectors.
26. Install the rain sensor module. For additional information, refer to Wiper and Washer Systems.
27. Install the rear view mirror. For additional information, refer to Mirrors.
28. Install the cowl vent screen.