Wheel Bearing: Service and Repair
RemovalCAUTION: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect the performance of vital components and systems and their failure can result in major service expense. A new part with the same part number must be installed if installation becomes necessary. Do not use a new part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.
1. Raise the vehicle on a hoist.
2. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.
3. Remove the brake disc.
4. Remove the pushpins.
5. Move the inner fender skirt aside and disconnect the Anti-lock Brake (ABS) Sensor.
6. Detach the ABS sensor wire from the retainers.
7. CAUTION: The wheel hub and bearing is not pressed into the wheel knuckle. Do not use a slide hammer, or strike the back of the wheel hub and bearing to remove a stuck wheel hub and bearing. Damage to the bearing or the wheel hub will occur.
Note: If necessary, clean any rust or corrosion from the back of the wheel hub and bearing and lubricate the wheel hub and bearing with Rust Penetrant and Inhibitor D7AZ-19A501-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESR-M99C56-A.
Note: Do not remove the ABS sensor and wire from the hub and bearing unless a new ABS sensor and wire is being installed. If the ABS sensor is separated from the hub and bearing, make sure the O-ring is in place and is not worn or damaged. Install a new O-ring if necessary.
Remove and discard the bolts. Remove the wheel hub and bearing.
1. CAUTION: The knuckle bore must be clean to allow the wheel hub and bearing to be completely seated by hand. Do not press or draw the wheel hub and bearing into place.
Clean and inspect the knuckle bearing bore.
2. Lightly coat the surfaces of the bearing carrier and the wheel knuckle with Motorcraft High Temperature Nickel Anti-Seize Lubricant F6AZ-91A94-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESE-M12A4-A.
3. Install the wheel hub and bearing and new bolts.
4. Route the ABS sensor wire and attach it to the retainers.
5. Move the inner fender skirt aside and connect the ABS sensor.
6. Position the inner fender skirt and install the pushpins.
7. Install the brake disc.
8. Install the wheel and tire assembly.
9. Lower the vehicle.