Special Tools:
CAUTION: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect the performance of vital components and systems and their failure can result in major service expense. A new part with the same part number must be installed if installation is necessary. Do not use a new part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.
1. Remove the knuckle.
2. CAUTION: Use extreme care not to damage the knuckle when drilling out the dust shield rivets.
Remove the dust shield.
1 Using a 5.5 mm (0.22 inch) drill bit, drill out the dust shield rivets. If a larger drill bit is needed, it must not be larger than 6 mm (0.24 inch).
2 Remove the dust shield.
3. CAUTION: When the wheel hub is pressed from the bearing, the bearing inner race will come out with the hub. Never try to install the race back into the bearing. Always install a new bearing.
CAUTION: Make sure to keep the knuckle level and supported during pressing operations, or damage to the knuckle can occur. Support the knuckle as close to the bearing bore as possible. Do not use knuckle extremities as supports.
Remove the hub.
1 Correctly support the knuckle in a press.
2 Using the appropriate step plate adapter, press the hub from the bearing. The bearing inner race will come out with the hub.
4. Remove the snap ring.
5. CAUTION: Make sure to keep the knuckle level and supported during pressing operations, or damage to the knuckle can occur. Support the knuckle as close to the bearing bore as possible. Do not use knuckle extremities as supports.
Remove the bearing.
1 Correctly support the knuckle in a press.
2 Using the appropriate step plate adapter, press the bearing from the knuckle.
6. If the hub is to be reused, remove the bearing inner race from the hub using the special tool.
1. Thoroughly clean and inspect the wheel knuckle to bearing mating surface before installing the bearing.
2. CAUTION: Make sure to keep the knuckle level and supported during pressing operations, or damage to the knuckle can occur. Support the knuckle as close to the bearing bore as possible. Do not use knuckle extremities as supports.
Install a new bearing.
1 Correctly support the knuckle in a press.
2 Position the new bearing in the knuckle.
3 Using the appropriate step plate adapter, press the new bearing into the knuckle until the bearing clears the snap ring groove and bottoms out in the bore.
3. Install the snap ring.
4. CAUTION: Use only the appropriate size aluminum rivets on the rear brake disc dust shield. Galvanic corrosion will result if steel rivets are used.
Install the rear brake dust shield.
1 Position the shield on the knuckle.
2 Install the rivets.
5. CAUTION: The wheel bearing inner race must be supported during hub installation. Failure to do so will damage the bearing.
Install the hub.
1 Position the knuckle in a press, using the appropriate step plate adapter to support the wheel bearing inner race.
2 Position the hub in the bearing.
3 Using the appropriate step plate adapter, press the hub into the bearing.
6. Install the knuckle.