System Description
The vehicle speed control system consists of the following components:^ Anti-lock brake control module
^ Deactivator switch
^ Lighting Control Module (LCM)
^ Message center display
^ Speed control actuator cable
^ Speed control actuator switch
^ Speed control servo
The speed control system is designed to maintain vehicle speed above 48 km/h (30 mph). After the ON switch is depressed, depressing the SET/ACCEL switch will activate the speed control servo.
The deactivator switch is provided as an additional safety feature. Normally, when the brake pedal is depressed, a message from the SCP link to the speed control servo will deactivate the system. Under increased brake pedal effort, the deactivator switch will open and remove power to the speed control servo, releasing the throttle independent of the speed control servo.
The air bag sliding contact provides the electrical interface between the steering column wiring and the speed control actuator switches in the steering wheel.
The inputs to the speed control servo are:
^ SCP link. The speed control servo communicates with other control modules using Standard Corporate Protocol (SCP). The vehicle speed, brake pedal position, throttle position, rpm, and PRNDL status is retrieved by the speed control servo from the SCP link.
^ Speed control actuator switches.
^ Deactivator switch.
The outputs of the speed control servo are:
^ SCP link. The speed control servo sends an output message through the SCP link to indicate whether the speed control system is ON, OFF, ENGAGED, or DISENGAGED.
^ Speed control actuator cable controlling the throttle position.