Fluid Filter - A/T: Service and Repair
1. Normal maintenance requires periodic automatic transmission fluid changes. If a major repair, such as a clutch, band, bearing, etc., is required, the automatic transmission will also have to be removed for repair. At this time, the torque converter, and transmission cooler tubes must be thoroughly flushed to remove any dirt and the Oil-To-Air (OTA) must be replaced. The transmission fluid needs to be changed if evidence of fluid contamination is found. When used under continuous or severe conditions, the transmission and torque converter should be drained and refilled with fluid as specified.The oil-to-air cooler must be replaced under the following conditions:
1. Evidence of transmission assembly or fluid contamination is found due to the following transmission or converter failure modes:
^ major metallic failure
^ multiple clutches or clutch plate failure
2. When used under continuous or server conditions, the transmission and torque converter should be drained and refilled with fluid as specified.
^ Normal Maintenance
- Change fluid at 48,000 km (30,000 miles).
^ Sever Duty/Major Overhaul
- Change fluid at 48,0U0 km (30,000 miles).
2. CAUTION: Use of a fluid other than specified could result in transmission malfunction and/or failure.
Refer to the vehicle certification label affixed to the LH front door lock face panel or door pillar for the transmission code.
3. When filling a dry transmission and torque converter, refer to General Specifications for capacity. Check the fluid level.
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable.
2. Raise the vehicle on a hoist.
3. Place a drain pan under the transmission fluid pan.
4. Drain transmission fluid.
^ Loosen the transmission fluid pan bolts and allow fluid to drain. After fluid is drained remove the bolts.
5. Remove the (A) transmission fluid pan and (B) transmission fluid pan gasket.
6. Pull down evenly and remove the transmission fluid filter, seal and filter kit.
7. Remove torque converter housing plug.
8. Remove the torque converter drain plug and drain the torque converter.
^ Rotate the crankshaft to access the drain plug.
9. Clean and inspect the (A) transmission fluid pan, (B) transmission fluid pan gasket and (C) magnet.
10. Flush the fluid cooler tubes.
1. Note: A new torque converter drain plug must be used.
Install the torque converter drain plug.
2. Install torque converter housing plug.
3. CAUTION: If installing a new filter, and the seal remains in the main control bore, carefully use a small screwdriver to remove the seal. Use care not to damage the main control bore.
Note: If transmission is being serviced for a contamination-related failure, use a new filter and seal. The filter may be reused if no excessive contamination is present.
Replace fluid filter and seal as required.
4. Position the (B) pan magnet into the (A) transmission fluid pan.
5. Note: The transmission fluid pan gasket is reusable, clean and inspect for damage; if not damaged, the gasket should be reused.
Install the transmission fluid pan and gasket.
1. Position transmission fluid pan gasket.
2. Position the transmission fluid pan.
6. Install bolts.
7. Lower the vehicle.
8. Connect the battery ground cable.
9. Note: When filling a dry transmission and converter start with a minimum of 4.7 liters (5 quarts).
Fill transmission to proper fluid level.
^ Use Motorcraft MERCON(R) V Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-5-QM or equivalent meeting Ford specification MERCON(R) V.