Restraints and Safety Systems: Application and ID
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a seventeen-digit combination of letters and numbers. The VIN is stamped on a metal tab riveted on the instrument panel, top upper left of the dash. The VIN number is also found on the Vehicle Certification (VC) label.
Vehicle Identification Number
The first three vehicle identification number (VIN) positions are the world manufacturer identifier.
^ 1LN - Lincoln, USA, passenger car
^ 1LJ - Lincoln, USA, incomplete vehicle
^ 1L1 - Lincoln, USA, Limousine
The fourth VIN position is the vehicle restraint system type code.
^ L - Active safety belts - all positions, driver and front passenger air bags
^ F - Active safety belts - all positions, driver and front passenger second generation air bags
^ H - Active safety belts - all positions, driver and front passenger air bags with driver and front passenger side air bags
The tenth VIN position is the model year code.
^ Y - 2000
The eleventh VIN position is the assembly plant code.
^ S - Pilot Plant, Allen Park, Michigan (USA)
^ Y - Wixom, Michigan (USA)