Steering Gear: Testing and Inspection
STEERING GEAR GRUNT/SHUDDER TEST1. Start and run the vehicle to operating temperature.
2. Set engine idle speed to 1200 rpm.
3. Rotate the steering wheel to the RH stop, then turn the steering wheel 90° back from that position. Turn the steering wheel slowly in a 15° to 30° arc.
CAUTION: Do not hold the steering wheel against the stops for more than three to five seconds at a time. Damage to the power steering pump will occur.
4. Turn the steering wheel another 90°. Turn the steering wheel slowly in a 15° to 30° arc.
5. Repeat the test with power steering fluid at different temperatures.
6. If a light grunt is heard or a low (50-200 Hz) shudder is present, this is a normal steering system condition.
7. If a loud grunt is heard, or a strong shudder is felt, fill and purge the power steering system.