Removal and installation
Removal1. WARNING: The electrical power to the air suspension system must be shut off prior to hoisting, jacking or towing an air suspension vehicle. This can be accomplished by turning off the air suspension switch located in the RH kick panel area. Failure to do so can result in unexpected inflation or deflation of the air springs, which can result in shifting of the vehicle during these operations.
Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Mark the driveshaft flange and the pinion flange for correct alignment during installation.
3. Remove the four driveshaft retainer bolts and disconnect the driveshaft.
4. Remove the wheels and tires.
5. Remove the rear disc brake calipers from the brake adapters and brake discs, and wire the caliper out of the way.
6. Remove the rear brake discs.
7. Remove the parking brake rear cable and conduit from the parking brake cable equalizer.
^ Reroute the parking brake rear cable and conduit out of the way.
^ Repeat for the other side.
8. Remove the anti-lock brake sensors.
^ Reroute the anti-lock brake sensor wiring.
9. Remove the rear stabilizer bar from the rear stabilizer bar link and bushing.
10. Disconnect the rear stabilizer bar bracket bolts, the rear stabilizer bar brackets and the rear stabilizer bar.
11. If equipped with rear air springs, remove the height sensor.
12. CAUTION: Take care not to damage the threads on the bellcrank stud.
Separate the Watts linkage from the rear axle housing.
^ Remove the retainer nut from the bellcrank stud.
13. WARNING: Use additional support straps to secure the rear axle to the jack.
Support the rear axle housing with a suitable jack.
14. Remove the shock absorber lower retainer nuts and remove the shock absorbers from the retainer brackets.
15. Remove the nuts and bolts retaining the LH and RH lower control arms.
16. Remove the nuts and bolts retaining the LH and RH upper control arms.
17. Unseat the air springs and lower the rear axle from the vehicle.
1. WARNING: Use additional support straps to secure the rear axle to the high-lift transmission jack.
Raise the rear axle into position using a high-lift transmission jack.
^ Seat the air springs.
2. Install the bolts and nuts.
3. Install the bolts and nuts.
4. Install the shock absorbers.
^ Position the shock absorbers into the retainer brackets, and tighten the retainer nuts and bolts.
5. Remove the high-lift transmission jack.
6. Install the Watts linkage on the rear axle housing.
^ Install the retainer nut on the bellcrank stud and tighten.
7. If equipped with rear air springs, install the height sensor.
8. Install the rear stabilizer bar retainer bolts and tighten.
9. Install the rear stabilizer bar link and bushing retainer nuts and tighten.
10. Install the anti-lock brake sensors.
11. Install the parking brake rear cable and conduit into the parking brake cable equalizer.
12. Install the rear brake discs.
13. Install the rear disc brake calipers on the brake discs/brake adapters.
14. Position the rear driveshaft and align the marks on the pinion flange.
15. Install the four driveshaft retainer bolts.
16. Install the wheels and tires.
17. Lower the vehicle.
18. If equipped with rear air springs, turn on the air suspension switch.