Heated Glass Element: Service and Repair
NOTE: Follow the manufacturers repair procedure supplied with the repair kit.
1. Clean the bus bar in the area to be serviced with steel wool (3/0 to 4/0 grade).
NOTE: The back window glass must be at room temperature at the time of repair.
2. Apply three coats of Rear Window Defroster Repair D8AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESB-M4J58-A to the surface.
NOTE: Allow 10 minutes of drying time between the coats.
3. Tin the bus bar service area with solder.
CAUTION: Do not overheat the back window glass or damage to the back window glass may occur.
4. Preheat the back window glass in the area to be serviced using the Rotunda Heat Gun and solder the terminal to the bus bar.
CAUTION: To prevent overheating the back window glass remove the soldering gun as soon as the solder flows.
5. Apply Rear Window Defroster Repair D8AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESB-M4J58-A to the service area as needed.
NOTE: Turn the heated back window switch ON for five minutes prior to the final inspection of the service.