Steps 1-60
RemovalSpecial Tools
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
2. Hold the steering wheel in the straight forward position using a suitable holding device.
3. Release the fuel system pressure.
4. Disconnect the battery ground cable.
5. CAUTION: The engine appearance cover is equipped with a noise suppressor. If the noise suppressor becomes separated from the engine appearance cover it must be positioned on the intake manifold prior to installing the engine appearance cover.
Remove the engine appearance cover and the noise suppressor (if detached).
6. Remove the air cleaner assembly and outlet pipe.
7. CAUTION: The coolant drain procedure must be followed exactly or damage to the engine can occur.
Drain the engine cooling system.
8. Discharge the A/C system.
9. Remove the fresh air inlet duct.
10. Disconnect the fuel supply tube.
11. Remove the upper radiator sight shield.
12. NOTE: RH shown, LH similar.
Remove the 6 bolts and the 2 upper radiator support brackets.
13. CAUTION: To disconnect the quick release coupling, squeeze the tabs and pull straight out or damage to the coupling can occur.
Disconnect the Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) hose from the EVAP canister purge valve.
14. Disconnect the vacuum hose.
15. Disconnect the degas bottle hose.
16. Remove the 2 power steering reservoir bolts.
17. Remove the bolt and disconnect the ground strap.
18. NOTE: The connectors are located on the backside of the RH strut tower.
Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connectors.
19. Disconnect the bulkhead electrical connectors.
20. Disconnect the coolant valve electrical connector, unclip from the radiator support and position the harness aside.
21. Disconnect the cooling fan electrical connector.
22. Disconnect the A/C pressure switch electrical connector
23. NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
Remove the LH and the RH splash shields.
24. Remove the center splash shield.
25. Remove the inner air deflector.
26. Remove the catalytic converters.
27. CAUTION: To make sure assembly will be in the exact location as when removed, index mark the bolt, nut, washer and flex coupling to the pinion flange with paint or marker. Using a different color paint or marker, index mark the second bolt, nut, washer and flex coupling to the pinion flange. These fasteners are balanced weights. Always assemble them in their original positions. Failure to do so can cause driveshaft noise, vibration and harshness (NVH).
CAUTION: Do not remove the bolts retaining the flex coupling to the driveshaft.
Index mark the front driveshaft pinion flange. Remove the 3 nuts, washers and bolts.
28. Slide the front shaft assembly rearward and support.
29. Drain the engine oil.
^ Tighten drain plug to 23 Nm (17 ft. lbs.).
30. NOTE: The top heater hose has a green identifying mark to match the hose on the dual coolant flow valve. If the mark is not visible, identify the hoses for location. This will aid in the correct installation of the hose assemblies.
NOTE: Hose assemblies shown with components removed for clarity.
Disconnect the 3 heater hose quick release couplings.
31. Remove the nut and disconnect the A/C high pressure hose.
32. Disconnect the low pressure A/C hose.
33. Position the RH and LH inner splash shields aside.
1 Remove the pin type retainers.
2 Position the inner splash shields aside.
34. Disconnect the RH and LH anti lock brake sensor electrical connectors.
35. Detach the RH and LH anti lock brake sensor harnesses from the brake hose clips.
36. CAUTION: Do not allow the brake caliper to hang from the brake hose or damage to the brake hose can occur.
Remove the 4 bolts and position the front brake calipers aside.
^ Support the calipers using mechanics wire.
37. NOTE: To remove the nut, first loosen the nut, then use the hex holding feature to prevent the stabilizer bar link ball joint from turning while removing the nut.
Remove the 2 nuts and disconnect the stabilizer bar links from the lower control arms.
38. NOTE: Use the hex holding feature to prevent the stud from turning while removing the nut from ball joints and stabilizer bar links.
Remove the 2 nuts and disconnect the upper ball joints from the wheel knuckles.
39. Remove the 2 strut to control arm bolts and nuts.
40. Disconnect the shift cable from the shifter.
41. Remove the 2 bolts and position the shift cable bracket aside.
42. Detach the shift cable pin type retainer from the exhaust heat shield
43. Disconnect the Variable Assist Power Steering (VAPS) actuator electrical connector.
44. Release the power steering return hose from the pressure hose clip.
45. Remove the retaining bolt for the high pressure power steering hose bracket.
46. Disconnect the block heater electrical connector, if equipped.
47. Remove the steering shaft bolt.
48. CAUTION: Do not allow the steering wheel to rotate while the steering column intermediate shaft is disconnected or damage to the clockspring can result. If there is evidence that the wheel has rotated, the clockspring must be removed and recentered.
Remove the bolt and disconnect the steering coupling.
49. Remove the nut and starter motor ground cable.
50. Remove the cover.
51. Remove the nuts and disconnect the starter motor wiring.
52. Disconnect the generator electrical connector and pin type retainer.
53. Remove the 6 lower transmission to engine bolts.
54. Remove the cover.
55. NOTE: Make an identifying mark on the nut, the stud and adapter plate to allow for correct installation.
Remove the 4 torque converter nuts.
56. Support the rear of the vehicle with suitable safety stands.
57. Support the engine, transmission, front and center crossmembers, and the cooling system with a powertrain lift and a transmission support bracket.
58. Remove the 4 transmission support bolts.
59. NOTE: RH shown, LH similar.
Remove the 4 RH and LH center crossmember I-brace bolts
60. NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
Remove the 4 front crossmember and the 4 center crossmember bolts.