Heater Control Valve: Service and Repair
DUAL COOLANT FLOW VALVERemoval and Installation
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
2. Remove the engine air cleaner outlet tube.
3. Drain the engine coolant.
4. Release the clamp and disconnect the upper radiator hose.
5. Release the dual control valve hose clamp and disconnect the hose.
6. Release the LH heater hose clamp and disconnect the hose.
7. Release the RH heater hose clamp and disconnect the hose.
8. Disconnect the dual coolant control valve electrical connector.
9. Remove the dual coolant control valve bolt.
10. Remove the dual coolant control valve.
11. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
- Clean and lubricate the coolant hoses with plain water only, if needed.
12. Fill the engine cooling system.