Without Hard DTCs/Lamp Fault Codes
DIAGNOSING CUSTOMER CONCERNS WITHOUT HARD DTCsIf a lamp fault code (LFC) is reported by the customer but is not present when the vehicle comes in for service, follow the Diagnostic Instruction procedures to identify the intermittent DTC.
Once the DTC is known, read the Normal Operation of the pinpoint test for the DTC involved.
- Follow the deactivation or depowering procedure as directed.
- Determine the location of components involved in creating the DTC.
- Carry out a thorough visual inspection of:
- components.
- connectors.
- splices and wiring harnesses.
- insulation on conductors.
Refer to the Possible Causes of the pinpoint test for the DTC involved, which lists the common concerns that relate to the DTC. Concerns are listed according to priority.