Heater Hose: Service and Repair
HEATER HOSERemoval and Installation
1. Drain the engine coolant.
2. Remove the 2 RH cowl grille screws.
3. Remove the RH cowl grille.
- Position the weatherstrip aside.
4. Remove the 5 RH cowl extension screws.
5. Remove the 2 upper vapor management valve (VMV) bracket nuts.
- To install, tighten to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).
6. Remove the RH cowl extension.
7. Disconnect the 2 VMV fittings.
8. Disconnect the VMV electrical connector.
9. Remove the lower VMV bracket nut.
10. Remove the VMV and bracket.
11. Release the 2 heater inlet hose clamps and remove the heater inlet hose.
12. Release the 2 heater outlet hose clamps and remove the heater outlet hose.
13. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
- Clean and lubricate the heater hoses with plain water only, if needed.
14. Fill the engine cooling system.