Steering Gear: Service and Repair
Steering Gear
Removal and Installation
All vehicles
NOTICE: When repairing the power steering system, care should be taken to prevent the entry of foreign material or failure of the power steering components may occur.
1. NOTE: Use a steering wheel holding device (such as Hunter(R) 28-75-1 or equivalent).
Using a suitable holding device, hold the steering wheel in the straight-ahead position.
2. Remove the wheels and tires.
3. NOTE: The hex-holding feature can be used to prevent turning of the stud while removing the nut.
Remove the 2 tie-rod end nuts and disconnect the tie-rod ends from the wheel knuckles.
- To install, tighten to 115 Nm (85 lb-ft).
4. Remove the pressure line bracket-to-steering gear bolt.
- To install, tighten to 23 Nm (17 lb-ft).
5. NOTICE: Whenever the power steering lines are disconnected, new O-ring seals must be installed. Make sure that the O-ring seals are installed in the correct order or a fluid leak may occur.
Remove the power steering line clamp plate bolt.
- Rotate the clamp plate and disconnect the pressure and return lines from the steering gear.
- Discard the 2 O-ring seals.
- To install, tighten to 23 Nm (17 lb-ft).
6. NOTICE: Do not allow the steering column shaft to rotate while the lower shaft is disconnected or damage to the clockspring may result. If there is evidence that the shaft has rotated, the clockspring must be removed and recentered. For additional information, refer to Air Bag Systems.
Remove the steering column shaft-to-steering gear bolt and disconnect the shaft from the steering gear.
- Discard the bolt.
- To install, tighten the new bolt to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
7. NOTE: The hex-holding feature can be used to prevent turning of the stud while removing the nut.
Remove and discard the 2 stabilizer bar link upper nuts.
- Pivot the stabilizer bar and links upward as needed.
- To install, tighten the 2 new nuts to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) vehicles
8. Remove and discard the 4 stabilizer bar bracket bolts.
- To install, tighten the 4 new bolts to 50 Nm (37 lb-ft).
- Position the stabilizer bar and links upwards.
All vehicles
9. Remove the 2 steering gear nuts and bolts.
- If equipped, remove the steering gear heat shield-to-subframe pushpin.
- Remove the steering gear from the left side of the vehicle.
- Discard the nuts.
- To install, tighten the 2 new nuts to 117 Nm (86 lb-ft).
10. NOTE: Whenever the power steering lines are disconnected, new O-ring seals must be installed.
To install, reverse the removal procedure.
- Fill the power steering system.
- Check and, if necessary, adjust the front toe.