Timing Drive Components - Removal
Timing Drive Components
NOTICE: During engine repair procedures, cleanliness is extremely important. Any foreign material, including any material created while cleaning gasket surfaces, that enters the oil passages, coolant passages or the oil pan can cause engine failure.
1. Remove the engine front cover. For additional information, refer to Engine Front Cover Engine Front Cover - Removal.
2. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise and align the timing marks on the Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) assemblies as shown.
3. NOTE: The Camshaft Holding Tool will hold the camshafts in the Top Dead Center (TDC) position.
Install the Camshaft Holding Tool onto the flats of the LH camshafts.
4. NOTE: The Camshaft Holding Tool will hold the camshafts in the TDC position.
Install the Camshaft Holding Tool onto the flats of the RH camshafts.
5. Remove the 3 bolts and the RH VCT housing.
6. Remove the 3 bolts and the LH VCT housing.
7. Remove and discard the VCT housing seals.
8. Remove the 2 bolts and the primary timing chain tensioner.
9. Remove the primary timing chain tensioner arm.
10. Remove the 2 bolts and the lower LH primary timing chain guide.
11. Remove the primary timing chain.
12. Remove the crankshaft timing chain sprocket.
13. Remove the 2 bolts and the upper LH primary timing chain guide.
14. Compress the LH secondary timing chain tensioner and install a suitable lockpin to retain the tensioner in the collapsed position.
15. NOTE: The VCT bolt and the exhaust camshaft bolt must be discarded and new ones installed. However, the exhaust camshaft washer is reusable.
Remove and discard the LH VCT assembly bolt and the LH exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt.
- Remove the LH VCT assembly, secondary timing chain and the LH exhaust camshaft sprocket as an assembly.
16. NOTE: It is necessary to tilt the Camshaft Holding Tool toward the rear of the engine to access the rearmost secondary timing chain tensioner bolt.
Remove the 2 bolts and the LH secondary timing chain tensioner.
17. Compress the RH secondary timing chain tensioner and install a suitable lockpin to retain the tensioner in the collapsed position.
18. NOTE: The VCT bolt and the exhaust camshaft bolt must be discarded and new ones installed. However, the exhaust camshaft washer is reusable.
Remove and discard the RH VCT assembly bolt and the RH exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt.
- Remove the RH VCT assembly, secondary timing chain and the RH exhaust camshaft sprocket as an assembly.
19. NOTE: It is necessary to tilt the Camshaft Holding Tool toward the rear of the engine to access the rearmost secondary timing chain tensioner bolt.
Remove the 2 bolts and the RH secondary timing chain tensioner.
20. Remove the 2 bolts and the RH primary timing chain guide.