Solenoid Body Strategy
Solenoid Body Strategy
Solenoid Body Identification Procedure
1. Using the scan tool, select Powertrain, Transmission and Transmission Solenoid Body Identification from the toolbox icon and follow the instructions displayed on the scan tool.
The solenoid body identification screen displays solenoid body identification information:
- Solenoid body identification - 7-digit
- Solenoid body strategy - 13-digit
The next screen displays the current solenoid body identification and strategy data file stored in the PCM. If the solenoid body strategy field is blank, the module contains a partial transmission solenoid body strategy. This is due to a corrupt or missing file at the time the programmable parameters were completed.
2. Compare the solenoid body identification and strategy (if available) to the solenoid body service tag or the replacement solenoid body tag located on top of the transaxle case.
Original Solenoid Body Service Tag
Replacement Solenoid Body Service Tag
3. If the solenoid body identification and strategy on the scan tool match the solenoid body service tag or replacement tag, then the solenoid body identification and strategy are correct for this transaxle and a solenoid body strategy download is not required. If the solenoid body service tag or replacement tag is missing or damaged so that it is not readable or does not match the identification or strategy on the scan tool, remove the main control cover, refer to Main Control Cover - 3.7L Service and Repair or Main Control Cover - 3.5L GTDI.
The 7-digit identification number and the 13-digit strategy number are stamped on the solenoid body.
4. NOTICE: If the solenoid body information does not match the module information, transaxle damage or driveability concerns can occur.
Inspect the solenoid body identification and strategy stamped on the solenoid body and compare this to the solenoid body service tag on the transaxle case. If the solenoid body identification and strategy stamped on the solenoid body does not match the solenoid body service tag or if the solenoid body identification and strategy stamped on the solenoid body match the solenoid body service tag on the transaxle case but do not match the solenoid body identification and strategy numbers displayed on the scan tool, a solenoid body strategy data download is required.
Solenoid Body Identification Tag
Solenoid Body Strategy Data Download
1. Using the scan tool, select module programming and programmable parameters under the toolbox icon and select transmission. Follow the instructions displayed on the scan tool.
There are fields to enter the solenoid body 7-digit identification and 13-digit strategy recorded from the solenoid body.
2. NOTICE: If the solenoid body information is not correct, transaxle damage or driveability concerns can occur.
Enter the solenoid body identification and strategy.
The scan tool will verify that the numbers entered are valid and display a message if the information is not valid.
The scan tool checks to see if the file is present on the scan tool. If the file is present, the technician may proceed with downloading the file to the PCM. If the file is not present, the scan tool will need to be connected to the Professional Technician Society (PTS) server to download the file onto the scan tool.
3. Verify that the file is present on the scan tool. If the file is present, go to Step 8. If the file is not present, continue with this procedure.
4. Connect the scan tool to the PTS server.
The screen will display a progress bar when connecting to the network.
5. Follow the instructions on the network to download the strategy file to the scan tool.
The screen will display a progress bar when downloading the strategy file to the scan tool and display a message if it is downloaded successfully.
6. If the scan tool cannot connect to the PTS server, download the file from
If the scan tool cannot download a strategy from the web site, a partial strategy will automatically be downloaded.
7. Reconnect the scan tool to the vehicle.
8. Follow the instructions displayed on the scan tool.
9. If a new solenoid body was installed, compare the 7-digit identification and the 13-digit strategy fields from the solenoid body to the replacement solenoid body tag provided with the solenoid body service kit and place it over the existing identification tag.
The scan tool will automatically download the strategy file or partial strategy file to the PCM and will display a progress bar while downloading. The scan tool will display a message when it is finished downloading the data that states that the file was downloaded successfully.
10. NOTICE: If a drive cycle is not completed, the customer may feel erratic shifts and driveability concerns.
Test drive the vehicle. Refer to Solenoid Body Strategy Drive Cycle in this procedure.
Solenoid Body Strategy Drive Cycle
Carry out the drive cycle after downloading the solenoid body strategy data file to the PCM.
NOTE: Always drive the vehicle in a safe manner according to driving conditions and obey all traffic laws.
1. NOTE: The engine and transaxle must be at normal operating temperature.
Bring the transaxle to normal operating temperature.
2. With the engine running and the brake applied, move the selector lever through the gears in the following order, pausing in each gear for 4 seconds: N, R, N, D, R, D, N. Repeat this pattern 2 times. If any engagements feel soft or harsh, repeat this procedure.
3. Drive the vehicle and accelerate at a moderate throttle so that the upshifts occur at 2,000 rpm up to 80 km/h (50 mph) and brake moderately to a stop. Repeat this pattern 2 times.
4. Drive the vehicle and accelerate at a moderate throttle so that the upshifts occur at 3,000 rpm up to 80 km/h (50 mph) and brake moderately to a stop. Repeat this pattern 2 times.
5. With the engine running and the brake applied, move the selector lever through the gears in the following order, pausing in each gear for 4 seconds: N, R, N, D, R, D, N. Repeat this pattern 2 times.