Caster Adjustment - Front
Caster Adjustment - Front
NOTE: If caster adjustment is necessary to resolve a vehicle alignment issue, then installing a revised upper control arm(s) is an acceptable method. This procedure should not be routinely performed with all alignments and only after all other possible sources have been inspected and corrected as necessary.
1. Using alignment equipment and the manufacturer's instructions, measure the caster.
2. NOTE: The revised upper control arms have the same base part number, but they are identified by the amount of caster they change (for example: + 0.4 degrees or - 0.4 degrees).
Use the following table and the measurements taken in Step 1 to determine which front upper control arm should be installed.
3. Install a revised front upper control arm(s) as necessary. For additional information, refer to Front Suspension &/or Steering Knuckle.
4. Recheck the front caster settings and adjust as necessary.
5. Check and, if necessary, adjust the front toe. For additional information, refer to Toe Adjustment - Front Toe Adjustment - Front.