Front Suspension
Wheel Bearing and Wheel Hub
NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect performance of vital components and systems and their failure may result in major service expense. New parts must be installed with the same part numbers or equivalent part, if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.
NOTE: This procedure is shown for the LH side, the RH side is similar.
NOTE: If removing the wheel hub, a new wheel bearing must be installed.
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. For additional information, refer to Jacking and Lifting Service and Repair.
2. Remove the wheel and tire. For additional information, refer to Wheels and Tires Removal and Replacement.
3. Remove the bolts and the underbody shield, if equipped.
4. Remove the 4 screws position the fender splash shield aside.
5. Remove the 6 pin-type retainers (4 shown) from the splash shield.
6. Remove the upper stabilizer bar link nut and separate from the stabilizer bar.
7. Remove the lower control arm-to-strut through bolt and flagnut.
8. Remove the outer tie-rod end cotter pin and nut.
- Discard the cotter pin.
9. NOTICE: Do not use a hammer to separate the outer tie-rod end from the wheel knuckle or damage to the wheel knuckle may result.
Using the Ball Joint Separator, separate the outer tie-rod end from the knuckle.
10. Remove the front lower arm-to-subframe bolt.
- Discard the bolt.
11. If equipped, remove the wheel speed sensor bolt.
12. If equipped, remove the wheel speed sensor harness bolt and position the wheel speed sensor aside.
13. Remove the brake flexible hose bracket-to wheel knuckle bolt and position the hose and bracket aside.
14. NOTE: Apply the brake to keep the halfshaft from rotating.
Remove and discard the wheel hub nut.
15. NOTICE: Do not allow the caliper and anchor plate assembly to hang from the brake hose or damage to the hose can occur.
Remove the bolts and position the caliper and anchor plate assembly aside.
- Support the caliper and anchor plate assembly using mechanic's wire.
16. Remove the 2 brake disc bolts and the brake disc.
17. Using a wax pencil (or equivalent) apply witness marks to the vehicle and subframe to aid in installation.
18. Position a suitable jackstand under the subframe.
19. Remove the 4 front subframe support bracket bolts.
20. Remove the 2 front subframe rear nuts and remove the front subframe support bracket.
21. NOTE: Do not remove the front subframe forward bolts, loosen to allow the front subframe to be lowered.
Loosen the 2 front subframe forward nuts
22. Partially lower the subframe, to allow removal of the rear lower arm-to subframe bolt.
23. Remove the rear lower arm-to subframe bolt.
- Discard the bolt and washer.
24. Using the Front Hub Remover, separate the halfshaft from the wheel hub.
- Using mechanics wire or equivalent, support the halfshaft.
25. Remove and discard the upper ball joint nut.
26. Using the Steering Arm Remover, separate the upper ball joint from the wheel knuckle and remove the wheel knuckle assembly.
27. Using the Step Plate, press the wheel hub from the wheel bearing.
28. NOTE: This step may not be necessary if the inner wheel bearing race remains on the wheel bearing after removing the wheel hub.
If necessary, using the Drive Pinion Bearing Cone Remover, press the inner wheel bearing race from the wheel hub.
29. Remove the snap ring.
30. Using the Wheel Hub Cup Remover/Installer, press the wheel bearing from the wheel knuckle.
1. Using the Wheel Hub Bearing Cup Installer, press the wheel bearing into the wheel knuckle.
2. Install the snap ring.
3. Using the Step Plate and Wheel Hub Bearing Cup Installer, press the wheel hub into the wheel bearing.
4. Position the wheel knuckle and install the new upper ball joint nut.
- Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
5. Partially raise the subframe.
6. Position the halfshaft to the wheel hub.
7. Position the lower control arms to the subframe.
- Loosely install a new rear lower arm-to-subframe bolt.
- Loosely install a new front lower arm-to-subframe bolt.
8. Raise the subframe and align to the witness marks made during removal.
9. Position the front subframe support bracket and tighten the 2 new front subframe rear nuts.
- Tighten to 150 Nm (111 lb-ft).
10. Tighten the 4 front subframe bracket bolts.
- Tighten to 103 Nm 76 lb-ft).
11. Tighten the 2 new front subframe forward nuts.
- Tighten to 150 Nm (111 lb-ft).
12. Remove the jackstand.
13. If equipped, position the wheel speed sensor and install the bolt.
- Tighten to 23 Nm (17 lb-ft).
14. If equipped, install the wheel speed sensor harness bolt.
- Tighten to 23 Nm (17 lb-ft).
15. Install the brake disc and the 2 brake disc bolts.
- Tighten to 20 Nm (177 lb-in).
16. Position the brake caliper and anchor plate assembly and install the 2 bolts.
- Tighten to 90 Nm (66 lb-ft).
17. Using the Halfshaft Installer, in the halfshaft Into the wheel hub.
18. NOTICE: Do not tighten the halfshaft nut with the vehicle on the ground. The nuts must be tightened to specification before the vehicle Is lowered onto the wheels. Wheel bearing damage will occur If the wheel bearing Is loaded with the weight of the vehicle applied.
NOTE: Apply the brake to keep the halfshaft from rotating.
Install the wheel hub nut.
- Tighten to 255 Nm (189 lb-ft).
19. Stake the new nut in line with the keyway to a recommended minimum depth of 1 mm (0.039 in) below the keyway diameter to engage the locking feature.
20. Position the brake flexible hose and bracket and install the bolt.
- Tighten to 23 Nm (17 lb-ft).
21. Before tightening any suspension busing fasteners, the suspension must be at 402 mm (15.826 in) between the center of the hub and the lip of the fender. This will prevent incorrect clamp load and bushing damage.
- Use a suitable jack to raise the suspension to specification.
22. Tighten the front lower arm-to-subframe bolt.
1. Tighten to 110 Nm (81 lb-ft).
2. Tighten an additional 90° with the suspension at the bushing fastener tightening position.
23. Tighten the rear lower arm-to-subframe bolts to 110 Nm (81 lb-ft).
24. Install the outer tie-rod end to the control arm.
1. Position to the wheel hub.
2. Install the nut.
3. Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
4. Install new cotter pin.
25. Install the lower control arm-to-strut through bolt and flagnut.
- Tighten to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).
26. Position the stabilizer bar link and install the nut.
- Tighten to 42 Nm (31 lb-ft).
27. Install the splash shield and 6 pin-type retainers, (4 shown).
28. Position the fender splash shield and Install the screws.
29. Install the underbody shield and bolts (if equipped).
- Tighten to 7 Nm (62 lb-in).
30. Install the wheel and tire. For additional information, refer to Wheels and Tires Removal and Replacement.