Rear Suspension
Stabilizer Bar and Link
NOTE: Front Wheel Drive (FWD) shown, All-Wheel Drive (AWD) similar.
NOTE: Front Wheel Drive (FWD) shown, All-Wheel Drive (AWD) similar.
Removal and Installation
NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect performance of vital components and systems and their failure may result in major service expense. New parts must be installed with the same part numbers or equivalent part, if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) vehicles
1. Remove the rear halfshafts. For additional information, refer to Rear Drive Halfshafts .
2. Remove the RH side spring.
Front Wheel Drive (FWD) vehicles
3. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. For additional information, refer to Jacking and Lifting Service and Repair.
All vehicles
4. Remove and discard the 2 stabilizer bar link upper nuts.
- To install, tighten the new nuts to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).
5. Remove the 2 stabilizer bar link lower bolts and the stabilizer bar links.
- Discard the bolts.
- To install, tighten the new bolts to 45 Nm (33 lb-ft) with the suspension at the bushing fastener tightening position.
6. Remove and discard the stabilizer bar bracket nuts.
- To install, tighten the new nuts to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft) with the suspension at the bushing fastener tightening position.
7. Remove the stabilizer bar bracket bolts and the brackets.
- Discard the bolts.
- To install, tighten the new bolts to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft) with the suspension at the bushing fastener tightening position.
FWD vehicles
8. Remove the stabilizer bar.
AWD vehicles
9. NOTICE: Be careful not to contact the fuel lines or wiring harness when removing and installing the stabilizer bar or damage to the wiring harness or fuel lines may occur.
Remove the stabilizer bar from the RH side of the vehicle.
All vehicles
10. Inspect the stabilizer bar bushings and install a new bushing(s), if necessary.
11. NOTICE: Before tightening any suspension bushing fasteners, the suspension must be at the bushing fastener tightening position. This will prevent incorrect clamp load and bushing damage.
To install, reverse the removal procedure.