Battery Cable: Service and Repair
Battery Cables - 3.5L GTDI
Removal and Installation
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
2. Remove the 4 retainers and the underbody shield.
3. Remove the Air Cleaner (ACL).
4. Disconnect the battery. For additional information, refer to Battery Disconnect Battery Disconnect.
5. Remove the nut and disconnect the battery negative cable end from the negative battery terminal.
- To install, tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).
6. Remove the nut and disconnect the battery positive cable end from the positive battery terminal.
- To install, tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).
7. Disconnect the 14-pin in-line harness connector at the front corner of the battery.
8. Remove the 2 battery cable harness clips from the battery tray assembly.
9. Detach the battery cable harness locator clip from the engine harness locator clip at the front corner of the LH valve cover.
10. Remove the engine cover ball stud and remove the battery cable harness from the stud.
- To install, tighten to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).
11. Detach the 2 battery cable harness locators along the front of the LH valve cover.
12. Disconnect the 4-pin in-line harness connector at the front corner of the LH valve cover.
13. Position aside the generator protective cover, then remove the generator B+ terminal nut and position the generator B+ cable end aside.
- To install, tighten to 17 Nm (150 lb-in).
14. Disconnect the generator electrical connector.
15. Disconnect the A/C compressor electrical connector.
16. Disconnect the Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) electrical connector and detach the battery cable harness from the bracket.
17. Disconnect the transaxle control cable from the control lever.
18. Disconnect the transaxle control cable from the shift cable bracket and detach the wiring harness pin-type retainer.
19. Remove the Electronic Power Assist Steering (EPAS) harness bracket bolt, then disconnect the 2 EPAS (Electronic Power Assist Steering) electrical connectors (1 shown) and the wiring retainer (not shown).
- To install, tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
20. Disconnect the RH bank HO2S (Heated Oxygen Sensor) electrical connector and position aside.
21. Remove the starter solenoid terminal cover.
22. Remove the starter solenoid terminal nut and position the starter solenoid cable aside.
- To install, tighten to 6 Nm (53 lb-in).
23. Remove the starter B+ terminal nut and position the starter B+ cable aside.
- To install, tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
24. Detach the wiring harness locator clip at the starter stud.
25. Detach the 2 wiring harness locator clips on the transmission case studs.
26. Remove the engine ground cable bolt and position the cable aside.
- To install, tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
27. Remove the radio interference capacitor bolt.
- To install, tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
28. Remove the EPAS (Electronic Power Assist Steering) ground wire terminal bolt and position the ground wire aside.
- To install, tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
29. Remove the battery cables.
30. To install, reverse the removal procedure.