Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Water Pump: Service and Repair

Coolant Pump - 3.5L


NOTICE: During engine repair procedures, cleanliness is extremely important. Any foreign material, including any material created while cleaning gasket surfaces, that enters the oil passages, coolant passages or the oil pan can cause engine failure.

NOTE: On early build engines, the timing chain rides on the inner side of the RH timing chain guide. Late build engines are equipped with a different design RH timing chain guide that requires the timing chain to ride on the outer side of the RH timing chain guide. For service, all replacement RH timing chain guides will be the late build design.

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1. Remove the engine front cover.

2. Remove and discard the engine oil filter.

Engines equipped with early build RH timing chain guides

3. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise and align the timing marks on the Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) assemblies as shown.

Engines equipped with late build/replacement RH timing chain guides

4. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise and align the timing marks on the VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) assemblies as shown.

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5. NOTE: The Camshaft Holding Tool will hold the camshafts in the Top Dead Center (TDC) position.
Install the Camshaft Holding Tool onto the flats of the LH camshafts.

6. NOTE: The Camshaft Holding Tool will hold the camshafts in the TDC (Top Dead Center).
Install the Camshaft Holding Tool onto the flats of the RH camshafts.

7. Remove the 3 bolts and the RH VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) housing.

8. Remove the 3 bolts and the LH VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) housing.

NOTE: The following 3 steps are for primary timing chains when the colored links are not visible.

9. Mark the timing chain link that aligns with the timing mark on the RH intake VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) assembly as shown.

10. Mark the timing chain link that aligns with the timing mark on the LH intake VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) assembly as shown.

11. Mark the timing chain link that aligns with the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket as shown.

12. Remove the 2 bolts and the primary timing chain tensioner.

13. Remove the primary timing chain tensioner arm.

14. Remove the 2 bolts and the lower LH primary timing chain guide.

15. Remove the primary timing chain.

16. Remove the 2 bolts and the upper LH primary timing chain guide.

Engines equipped with early build RH timing chain guides

17. Remove the RH primary timing chain guide lower bolt.

18. NOTE: The RH primary timing chain guide must be repositioned to allow the coolant pump to be removed.
Loosen the RH primary timing chain guide upper bolt.

- Rotate the guide and tighten the bolt.

Engines equipped with late build/replacement RH timing chain guides

19. Remove the RH primary timing chain guide lower bolt.

20. NOTE: The RH primary timing chain guide must be repositioned to allow the coolant pump to be removed.
Loosen the RH primary timing chain guide upper bolt.

- Rotate the guide and tighten the bolt.

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21. Place clean, lint-free shop towels in the oil pan opening to prevent coolant from entering the oil pan during coolant pump removal.

22. Remove the 8 bolts and the coolant pump.


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1. NOTE: Clean and inspect all sealing surfaces.
Install the coolant pump and the 8 bolts. Tighten in the sequence shown in 2 stages:

- Stage 1: Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

- Stage 2: Tighten an additional 45 degrees.

2. Remove all of the shop towels from the oil pan opening.

3. NOTICE: Any coolant that has accumulated in the oil pan must be drained from the pan and any residual coolant cleaned from the front of the engine and oil pan. Failure to remove all traces of the coolant can result in oil contamination and severe engine damage.

Remove the oil pan drain plug and allow any accumulated coolant to drain.
- Remove any residual coolant from the front of the engine and the oil pan using regulated, compressed air and clean, lint-free shop towels.

- Install the oil pan drain plug and tighten to 27 Nm (20 lb-ft).

Engines equipped with late build/replacement RH timing chain guides

4. Loosen the RH primary timing chain guide upper bolt.
- Position the RH primary timing chain guide and install the lower bolt.

- Tighten the 2 bolts to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

Engines equipped with early build RH timing chain guides

5. Loosen the RH primary timing chain guide upper bolt.
- Position the RH primary timing chain guide and install the lower bolt.

- Tighten the 2 bolts to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

All vehicles

6. Install the primary timing chain with the colored links aligned with the timing marks on the VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) assemblies and the crankshaft sprocket.

7. Install the upper LH primary timing chain guide and the 2 bolts.
- Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

8. Install the lower LH primary timing chain guide and the 2 bolts.
- Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

9. Install the primary timing chain tensioner arm.

10. Reset the primary timing chain tensioner.
- Rotate the lever counterclockwise.

- Using a soft-jawed vise, compress the plunger.

- Align the hole in the lever with the hole in the tensioner housing.

- Install a suitable lock pin.

11. NOTE: It may be necessary to rotate the crankshaft slightly to remove slack from the timing chain and install the tensioner.
Install the primary tensioner and the 2 bolts.

- Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

- Remove the lock pin.

12. As a post-check, verify correct alignment of all timing marks.
- There are 38 links in between the RH intake VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) assembly colored link (1) and the LH intake VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) assembly colored link (2).

- There are 27 links in between LH intake VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) assembly colored link (2) and the crankshaft sprocket link (3).

13. Inspect the VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) housing seals for damage and replace as necessary.

14. NOTE: RH shown, LH similar.

NOTE: During removal, the O-ring seal may remain on the cylinder head. If so, remove the O-ring seal from the cylinder head, inspect the seal (replace as necessary) and install the O-ring seal on the VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) housing.
Inspect the VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) housing-to-cylinder head O-ring seals for damage and replace as necessary.

15. NOTICE: Make sure the dowels on the Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) housing are fully engaged in the cylinder head prior to tightening the bolts. Failure to follow this process will result in severe engine damage.

Install the LH VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) housing and the 3 bolts.
- Tighten in the sequence shown to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

16. NOTICE: Make sure the dowels on the Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) housing are fully engaged in the cylinder head prior to tightening the bolts. Failure to follow this process will result in severe engine damage.

Install the RH VCT (Variable Camshaft Timing) housing and the 3 bolts.
- Tighten in the sequence shown to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

17. NOTE: Lubricate the engine oil filter gasket with clean engine oil prior to installing the oil filter.
Install a new engine oil filter.

- Tighten to 5 Nm (44 lb-in) and then rotate an additional 180 degrees.

18. Install the engine front cover.