Upper Arm
Upper Arm
NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect performance of vital components and systems and their failure may result in major service expense. New parts must be installed with the same part numbers or equivalent part, if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.
1. Remove and discard the 3 shock absorber upper mount nuts.
2. Remove the wheel and tire.
3. Remove the wheel speed sensor bolt.
4. Remove the wheel speed sensor harness bolt and position the wheel speed sensor aside.
5. Remove and discard the upper ball joint nut.
6. Using the Steering Arm Remover, separate the upper ball joint from the wheel knuckle.
7. Position the shock absorber and spring assembly toward the wheel knuckle to access the upper arm-to-body bolts.
8. Remove the 2 upper arm-to-body bolts and the upper arm.
- Discard the bolts.
1. NOTE: Do not tighten the upper arm-to-body bolts at this time.
Position the upper arm and install the 2 new upper arm-to-body bolts.
2. Set the upper arm bushing fastener tightening position by aligning the hole in the upper arm with the hole in the body bracket and inserting a 6.35 mm (0.25 in) drill bit through both holes.
3. Tighten the upper arm-to-body bolts to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft) and remove the drill bit.
4. Position the shock and spring assembly and install the 3 new shock upper mount nuts.
- Tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).
5. Position the upper ball joint and install a new nut.
- Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
6. Position the wheel speed sensor harness and install the bolt.
- Tighten to 23 Nm (17 lb-ft).
7. Position the wheel speed sensor and install the bolt.
- Tighten to 23 Nm (17 lb-ft).
8. Install the wheel and tire.
9. Check and, if necessary, align the front end.