Over Voltage Test
If voltmeter indicated more than 2.5 volts above base voltage in the No Load Test, proceed as follows:1. With ignition in run position and engine not running, connect voltmeter negative to alternator rear housing.
2. Connect positive lead first to alternator output connector, then to regulator terminal A screw head.
3. If voltage difference between two locations is greater than .5 volts, service wiring circuit A to eliminate high resistance.
4. If over voltage condition still exists, check for loose regulator and alternator grounding connections.
5. If voltage connections still exists, connect voltmeter negative lead to alternator rear housing. With ignition Off, connect voltmeter positive lead first to regulator terminal A then to terminal F.
6. Different voltage reading indicate a malfunctioning regulator, grounded brush lead or a grounded rotor coil.
7. If voltage between terminals A and F are the same, replace regulator.