A/C Compressor
- When installing a new A/C compressor due to an internal failure of the old unit, you must carry out the following procedures to remove contamination from the air conditioning system:
- If A/C flushing equipment is available, carry out the flushing of the air condition system prior to installing a new air conditioning compressor.
- If A/C flushing equipment is not available, carry out the filtering of the air conditioning system after a new air conditioning compressor has been installed. See A/C REFRIGERANT SYSTEM FILTERING AFTER A/C COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT.
- Install a new evaporator core orifice as directed by the A/C flushing or filtering procedure. See EVAPORATOR CORE ORIFICE REMOVAL / INSTALLATION.
- Replace the receiver/drier. See A/C RECEIVER / DRIER REMOVAL / INSTALLATION.
NOTE: Replacement of the suction accumulator is not required when repairing the air conditioning system except when there is physical evidence of system contamination from a failed A/C compressor or damage to the suction accumulator.
1. If flushing the refrigerant system has not been performed, recover the refrigerant, see A/C REFRIGERANT SYSTEM TESTS.
2. Remove the accessory drive belt from the A/C compressor pulley. See DRIVE BELT REMOVAL / INSTALLATION.
3. Disconnect the electrical connector.
4. Disconnect the compressor manifold and tube assembly from the A/C compressor.
1. Loosen the bolt.
2. Disconnect and position aside the compressor manifold and tube assembly
5. Remove the A/C compressor.
- Remove the bolts.
- Remove the A/C compressor.
6. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
- If a new A/C compressor is to be installed, the A/C compressor clutch field coil and the A/C clutch plate must be transferred from the old unit. See A/C COMPRESSOR MAGNETIC CLUTCH REMOVAL / INSTALLATION.
- If filtering of the refrigerant system is not to be performed, lubricate the refrigerant system with the correct amount of clean refrigerant oil. See A/C REFRIGERANT OIL ADDITION.
- Install new O-ring seals lubricated in clean refrigerant oil.
7. If filtering of the refrigerant is not to be performed, evacuate, leak test and charge the refrigerant system. See A/C REFRIGERANT OIL ADDITION.