Engine Coolant Replacement
^ Never remove the pressure relief cap or coolant recovery reservoir cap while the engine is operating or when the cooling system is hot. Failure to follow these instructions can result in damage to the cooling system or engine or personal injury. To avoid having scalding hot coolant or steam blow out of the coolant reservoir when removing the pressure relief cap, wait until the engine has cooled, then wrap a thick cloth around the pressure relief cap and turn it slowly. Step back while the pressure is released from the cooling system. When you are sure all the pressure has been released, (still with a cloth) turn and remove the pressure relief cap. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
^ Never remove the radiator cap under any conditions while the engine is operating. Failure to follow these instructions can result in personal injury and/or damage to the cooling system or engine. To avoid having scalding hot coolant or steam blow out of the cooling system, use extreme care when removing the radiator cap. Wait until the engine has cooled, then wrap a thick cloth around the radiator cap and turn slowly to the first stop. Step back while pressure is released from the cooling system. When you are certain all the pressure is released, remove the radiator cap.
^ The coolant must be recovered in a suitable, clean container for reuse. If the coolant is contaminated it must be recycled or disposed of properly.
^ Vehicle cooling systems are filled with Mazda Premium Gold Engine Coolant VC-7-A (in Oregon VC-7-B) (yellow color). Do not mix coolant types.
^ The addition of cooling system stop leak pellets, VC-6, darkens engine coolant from yellow to golden tan. Do not add Orange engine coolant, VC-2. Mixing coolants may degrade the coolant's corrosion protection.
^ About 80% of the coolant capacity can be recovered with the engine in the vehicle. Dirty, rusty or contaminated coolant requires replacement.
1. Release the pressure in the cooling system by slowly turning the radiator cap one half to one turn counterclockwise to the first stop on the filler neck. When the pressure has been released, remove the radiator cap
2. Place a suitable container below the radiator drain cock If equipped, disconnect the coolant return hose at the oil cooler.
3. Open the radiator draincock. If equipped, remove the cylinder drain plug to drain the coolant from the cylinder block.
4. When the coolant is drained, make sure the drain plugs are installed and tightened.
5. Close the radiator draincock when finished.
^ Engine coolant provides freeze protection, boil protection, cooling efficiency and corrosion protection to the engine and cooling components. In order to obtain these protections, the engine coolant must be maintained at the correct concentration and fluid level. When adding engine coolant, use a 50/50 mixture of engine coolant and clean drinkable water.
^ To maintain the integrity of the coolant and the cooling system:
^ Add Mazda Premium Gold Engine Coolant VC-7-A (in Oregon VC-7-B) or equivalent (yellow color). Use the same coolant that was drained from the system. Do not mix coolant types.
^ Do not add Mazda Specialty Orange Engine Coolant VC-2. Mixing coolants can degrade the coolant's corrosion protection.
^ Do not add alcohol, methanol, brine or any engine coolants mixed with alcohol or methanol antifreeze. These can cause engine damage from overheating or freezing.
^ Do not mix recycled coolant unless it meets the requirements of Mazda specification VC-7-A (in Oregon VC-7-B). Not all coolant recycling processes meet these specifications. Use of such coolant can harm the engine and cooling system components.
1. Refill the coolant recovery reservoir with the correct 50/50 mixture of water and Mazda Extended Life Coolant.
2. Install the radiator cap.
3. Move the temperature blend knob to the full warm position.
4. Run the engine until it reaches operating temperature
5. Add the proper coolant mixture to the coolant recovery reservoir until the coolant level is between the "COOLANT FILL LEVEL" marks.
6. Recheck the coolant level and fill as needed.
7. Turn off the engine and allow the cooling system to cool. Recheck the coolant level and fill the cooling system to the FULL mark on the coolant recovery reservoir.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 until the reservoir level is OK.
1. Bleed the cooling system as follows:
^ Select the maximum heater temperature and blower motor speed settings. Position the control to discharge air from the A/C vents to the instrument panel.
^ Do not stand in line with or near the engine cooling fan blade when revving the engine.
^ Start the engine and allow it to idle. While the engine is idling, feel for hot air from the A/C vents.
^ If the air discharge remains cool and the engine coolant temperature gauge does not move, the engine coolant level is low in the engine and must be filled. Stop the engine, allow it to cool and fill the cooling system.
^ Start the engine and allow it to idle until the normal operating temperature is reached. Hot air should discharge from the A/C vents. The engine coolant temperature gauge should maintain a stabilized reading in the middle of the NORMAL range and the upper radiator hose should feel hot to the touch.
^ Shut the engine off and allow it to cool.
^ Check the engine for coolant leaks.
^ Check the engine coolant level in the coolant recovery reservoir and fill it as necessary.
^ Always remove the water thermostat prior to pressure flushing.
1. To remove the rust, sludge and other foreign material from the cooling system, use products that are safe for use with aluminum radiators.
2. Cleaning restores cooling efficiency and helps prevent overheating. A pulsating or reversed direction of flushing water will loosen sediment more quickly than a steady flow in the normal coolant flow direction.
3. In severe cases, cleaning solvents may not properly clean the cooling system for efficient operation. It will be necessary to use the pressure flushing method.
4. Dispose of old coolant and flushing water contaminated with antifreeze and cleaning chemicals in accordance with local, state and federal laws.