Parking Brake System: Service and Repair
^ Performing the following procedures without first removing the ABS wheel-speed sensor may possibly cause an open circuit In the harness if it is pulled by mistake. Before performing the following procedures, remove the ABS wheel-speed sensor (axle side) and fix it to an appropriate place where the sensor will not be pulled by mistake while servicing the vehicle.
1. Perform the following procedure and remove the parking brake pedal.
1) Remove the lower panel.
2. Perform the following procedure and remove the front parking brake cable.
1) Remove the lower panel.
2) Remove the joint cover.
3) Remove the console panel.
4 Remove the console.
5) Remove the console bracket as shown in the figure.
6) Turn the floor covering over until the front parking brake cable cover appears.
7) Disconnect the combined sensor connector and the SAS control module connector.
8) Remove the sensor bracket component shown in the figure.
9) Remove the insulator.
3. Perform the following procedure and remove the rear parking brake cable.
1) Remove the insulator.
4. Perform the following procedure and remove the parking brake plate, back plate and wheel hub.
1) Remove the rear ABS wheel-speed sensor from the rear wheel hub.
5. Remove in the order indicated in the table.
6. Install in the reverse order of removal.
7. Adjust the parking brake stroke.
End Cable Removal Note
1. Remove the end cable installation bolts.
2. Disconnect the end cable from the operation lever.
3. Bend the end cable tab (rear parking brake cable side) in the direction shown in the figure.
4. Move the rear parking brake cable end in the direction shown in the figure and disconnect it from the end cable.
5. Remove the end cable.
Brake Caliper Component Removal Note
1. Remove the brake caliper assembly from the trailing link and suspend it with a cable so it does not interfere.
Disc Plate Removal Note
1. If any disc plate is difficult to remove, perform the following steps to remove it.
1) Insert a flathead screwdriver into the service hole and turn the adjuster in the direction of the arrow to compress the parking brake shoe.
2) Remove the disc plate.
Parking Brake Shoe Removal Note
1. Pull the parking brake shoe downward and disengage it from the shoe stopper.
2. Press the adjuster bolt and tappet by hand, and slowly remove the parking brake shoe.
^ When removing the parking brake shoe, firmly press the adjuster bolt and tappet by hand and slowly remove the parking brake shoe to prevent the adjuster bolt, tappet, operation lever and other parts from flying off.
Operation lever, Pin, Adjuster Bolt and Nut, Tappet Installation Note
1. Install the operation lever, pin, adjuster bolt and nut, and tappet so that the adjuster nut is facing toward the vehicle front.
2. Completely tighten the adjuster bolt and nut.
3. Move the operation lever by hand and verify that it operates properly.
^ If proper operation cannot be verified, reinstall.
Parking Brake Shoe Installation Note
1. Measure the parking brake lining thickness with a vernier caliper or measuring scale.
^ If it is less than the minimum thickness, install a new parking brake shoe.
Minimum parking brake shoe thickness
1.0 mm (0.04 in)
2. Apply grease to the contact face of the parking brake shoe and the shoe stopper.
3. After installing the opening of the parking brake shoe to the adjuster bolt and tappet, push the brake shoe upward and attach it to the shoe stopper.
Disc Plate, Screw Installation Note
1. Measure the inner diameter of the disc plate with a vernier caliper.
^ If it exceeds the maximum diameter, install the new disc plate.
Maximum rear disc plate inner diameter
191.0 mm (7.52 in)
2. Install the disc plate and screw.
3. Perform the following steps to adjust the shoe clearance after installing the disc plate and the screws.
1) Insert a flathead screwdriver into the service hole and turn the adjuster in the direction of the arrow to expand the parking brake shoe until the disc plate cannot rotate.
2) Return the adjuster 13-17 notches in the direction of the arrow.
^ Shoe clearance can be adjusted to 0.15 mm (0.006 in) by returning the adjuster 15 notches.
3) Rotate the disc plate and make sure it does not drag.
End Cable Installation Note
1. Move the rear parking brake cable end in the direction shown in the figure and install it to the end cable.
2. Verify that the end cable tab (rear parking brake cable side) is attached properly to the rear parking brake cable end.
3. Install the end cable to the operation lever.
4. Install the end cable installation bolts.