Cruise Control Servo Cable: Service and Repair
NOTE:4.0L shown, others similar.
1. Remove the cruise control cable cap from the cruise control servo.
- Push in the locking arm on the cruise control cable cap then rotate the cap counterclockwise.
1. Remove the cruise control cable.
- Press the spring retainer.
- Slide the core wire end out of the cruise control servo pulley and remove the cruise control cable.
2.3L engine
1. Remove the bolts and the accelerator control splash shield.
1. Disconnect the cruise control cable.
- Disconnect the cable from the throttle lever.
- Press the tabs and separate the cruise control cable from the intake manifold.
4.0L engine
1. Remove the bolts and the accelerator control splash shield.
1. Separate the cruise control cable from the intake manifold.
- Disconnect the cable from the throttle lever.
- Press the locking tabs and separate the cruise control cable from the intake manifold.
NOTE:Make sure the rubber seal is fully seated onto the cruise control cable cap.To install, reverse the removal procedure.