Tires: Service and Repair
1. Use of a digital gauge is recommended for accurate measurement of the air pressure.
2. Tire pressure lowers gradually as time passes. Due to this, monthly air pressure inspection is recommended.
3. Perform tire pressure adjustment before driving. (When tires are cold.)
- Tire pressure will increase after driving because the internal temperature of the tire is high. If tire pressure is adjusted to specifications when the internal temperature of the tire is high, tire pressure will decrease when the internal temperature of the tire decreases to the same level as ambient temperature. If the tire pressure is lower than the lower-limit pressure, the TPMS warning light may illuminate.
- Even though the air pressure is adjusted to specifications, the indicated air pressure may be higher than the specified value when the internal temperature of the tire is higher than ambient temperature. (Example: Air pressure changes approx. 10 kPa {0.1 kgf/cm2, 1.5 psi} when the temperature changes 10 °C {18 °F})
- In an area or a season with varying temperatures, tire pressure will change due to ambient temperature change. If the tire pressure is lower than the lower-limit pressure due to low ambient temperature, the TPMS warning light may illuminate. Adjust the pressure when the TPMS warning light illuminates.
- Do not tilt or use excessive side force when checking air pressure or inflating the tire with air. Which can provide enough leverage to easily bend or break the wheel unit.
- To prevent damage to the valve area of the wheel unit or pressure loss during air pressure adjustment, use a type B tool with a round end as shown in the figure, not a type A tool.