Oil Filter: Service and Repair
- Hot engines and engine oil can cause severe burns. Turn off the engine and wait until it and the engine oil have cooled.
- A vehicle that is lifted but not securely supported on safety stands is dangerous. It can slip or fall, causing death or serious injury. Never work around or under a lifted vehicle if it is not securely supported on safety stands.
- Continuous exposure to USED engine oil has caused skin cancer in laboratory mice. Protect your skin by washing with soap and water immediately after working with engine oil.
- If engine oil is spilled on the exhaust system, wipe it off completely. If you fail to wipe the spilled engine oil, it will produce fumes because of the heat.
- To avoid damage to the oil filter, use only specified oil filter.
1. Remove the under cover.
2. Remove the oil filter using a commercially available, cup-type oil filter wrench (76 mm {3.0 in} diameter, 15 sided).
3. Use a clean rag to wipe off the mounting surface.
4. Apply clean engine oil to the gasket of a new oil filter.
5. Tighten the oil filter using cup-type oil filter wrench and according to the instructions on the package or side of the oil filter.
Tightening torque (reference value)
1 15-20 Nm {1.6-2.0 kgf-m, 11-14 ft-lbf}
6. Start the engine and confirm that there is no oil leakage.
- If there is oil leakage, repair or replace the applicable part.
7. Inspect the oil level. Testing and Inspection
8. Install the under cover.