Automatic Transmission/Transaxle: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and drain transaxle fluid.
2. Disconnect speedometer cable, then the EGR pipe if equipped.
3. Disconnect all electrical connectors and vacuum lines from transaxle.
4. Raise and support vehicle, then remove front wheels.
5. Separate lower control arm ball joint, then pull driveshaft out of transaxle.
6. Remove transaxle under cover, then install engine support 49 E301 025 or equivalent.
7. Raise engine slightly, then disconnect control cable.
8. Remove crossmember, then oil hoses. Plug both hoses and pipes to prevent fluid loss.
9. Remove starter motor, then the flywheel inspection plate.
10. Rotate crankshaft to suitable position and remove one torque converter to flywheel attaching bolt, then rotate crankshaft again and remove remaining bolts.
11. Support transaxle using suitable jack, then remove transaxle. Use caution not to drop torque converter from transaxle.
12. Reverse procedure to install. Note the following torques: converter housing to engine, 12 mm bolts to 47-69 ft.lbs., and 14 mm bolts to 65-87 ft.lbs.; torque converter to flywheel, 25-36 ft.lbs., starter to transaxle, 24-46 ft.lbs.