Tune-up and Engine Performance Checks: Technical Service Bulletins
- Customer Interest
- By Symptom
- All Technical Service Bulletins
- Fuel Injector - Cleaner Kit for Improved Performance
- Distributor Housing Set - Revised
- Carburetor - Hesitation or Rough Idle With Warm Engine
- Engine Performance - Driveability Improvement Kit
- Overview
- Kit & Parts Listing (83/84 GLC)
- Driveability Improvement Kit Application Chart (83/84 GLC)
- Kit Installation Procedures (83/84 GLC)
- A/F Solenoid & Accelerator Pump Kit Field Installation Procedures (ATX Only)
- Fuel Return Kit Field Installation Procedures (83 GLC Only)
- Modified Thermostat & Water Thermo Switch Field Installation Procedures (83 GLC Only)
- EGR Delay Valve Kit Field Installation Procedures (83 GLC ATX Only)
- Modified Servo Diaphragm Field Installation Procedures
- Modified High Altitude Compensator Field Installation Procedures (High Altitude Vehicles Only)
- Warranty Information
- Altitude Compensator - Modified