Rear Belt
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove rear timing belt cover, then the cylinder head cover with gasket.
3. Turn crankshaft to align rear camshaft pulley and rear seal plate timing mark.
4. Loosen belt tensioner locknut, then rotate tensioner clockwise as far as possible and tighten temporarily.
5. Remove timing belt. If reusing old belt, mark belt with direction of rotation.
6. Using suitable tool, counterhold camshaft and remove rear camshaft pulley lock bolt.
7. Using suitable puller, remove rear camshaft pulley. Do not hit rear camshaft pulley with hammer.
8. Loosen fuel injection pump pulley, inserting two M8 x 1.25 x 45 mm bolts through pulley and bracket to prevent pulley from turning.
9. Using suitable pulley, remove fuel injection pump pulley. Do not hit fuel injection pump pulley with hammer.
10. Install fuel injection pump pulley to fuel injection pump shaft with Woodruff drive key.
11. Rotate fuel injection pump pulley until mark on fuel injection pump pulley aligns with mark on rear seal plate.
12. Tighten fuel injection pump pulley locknut, inserting two M8 x 1.25 x 45 mm bolts through fuel injection pump pulley and bracket to prevent pulley from turning. Torque to 43-51 ft.lbs. Do not remove two bolts until rear belt has been installed.
13. Install rear camshaft pulley on camshaft with Woodruff drive key.
14. Counterhold camshaft with suitable tool and torque rear camshaft pulley lock bolt to 41-48 ft.lbs.
15. Install tensioner, lock bolt and spring in fully loosened position, then rotate tensioner clockwise as far as possible and temporarily tighten it.
Fig. 29 Aligning rear camshaft sprocket mark w/rear seal plate mark:
16. Align mark of rear camshaft pulley with mark on rear seal plate, Fig. 29.
17. Install rear timing belt on fuel injection pump pulley first and the rear camshaft pulley, then remove two holding bolts from fuel injection pump pulley.
18. Loosen tensioner locknut so that tension is applied by spring, then turn crankshaft two full rotations in direction of rotation.
19. Ensure timing marks are aligned, then torque tensioner locknut to 15-20 ft.lbs.
20. Check timing belt deflection midway between the two pulleys. Deflection should be .37 inch at a force of 22 lbs.
21. Install rear timing belt cover, then the cylinder head cover with gasket.