Fuel Injection
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Scribe hood hinge locations and remove hood.
3. Disconnect ignition wires from distributor, then remove distributor cap and rotor.
4. Disconnect oil level gauge, oil pressure gauge and oil temperature gauge electrical connectors.
5. Disconnect accelerator cable, then the fuel lines and evaporator hose.
6. Unfasten A/C compressor and power steering pump and position aside.
7. Remove power steering pump bracket.
8. Disconnect oil line from lower left side of engine and drain oil into a suitable container.
9. Remove starter harness bracket, then disconnect heater hose from left side of engine.
10. Disconnect water temperature gauge unit electrical connector.
11. Remove air cleaner assembly, then disconnect hoses from radiator.
12. Remove cooling fan and fan shroud.
13. Disconnect radiator water temperature switch and coolant level sensor electrical connectors.
14. Remove radiator attaching bolts and the radiator.
15. Disconnect front oil cooler hose.
16. Disconnect cruise control cable, then the metering oil pump connecting rod.
17. Disconnect water lines from intake plenum.
18. Disconnect air hoses from right side of engine.
19. Disconnect vacuum sensing tubes from intake plenum.
20. Disconnect intake air temperature sensor, air supply valve and throttle sensor electrical connectors from intake plenum.
21. Disconnect terminal cover wire from intake plenum, then remove the plenum assembly.
22. Disconnect electrical connectors for the following:
a. Oxygen sensor.
b. Injectors.
c. Water temperature sensor.
d. Vacuum control solenoid valve.
e. Pressure regulator control solenoid valve.
f. Vent solenoid and vacuum solenoid valve.
g. Engine ground.
h. Alternator.
23. Raise and support front of vehicle.
24. Remove exhaust pipe front cover, then the catalytic converter insulator.
25. Remove exhaust pipe bracket and the exhaust pipe.
26. Remove starter motor.
27. On models equipped with automatic transmission, remove upper plate, then the torque converter attaching bolts.
28. On all models, support transmission with a suitable jack and remove transmission attaching bolts.
29. Remove engine mount attaching bolts, then lower the vehicle.
30. Attach suitable lifting equipment to engine, then lift engine and remove from vehicle.
31. Reverse procedure to install.