A - Z Component List
A/C No. 1: In left rear corner of engine compartment.
A/C No. 2: In left rear corner of engine compartment.
A/C No. 3: In left rear corner of engine compartment.
A/C cut: In engine compartment at mid point of left fender.
Circuit opening: Behind dashboard to right of heater unit.
Cooling fan: In left front corner of engine compartment.
Door lock: On relay panel located in passenger compartment to left of steering wheel.
E.G.I. main No. 1: In engine compartment on left fender, rear round relay.
E.G.I. main No. 2: In engine compartment on left fender, front round relay.
Horn: In left front corner of engine compartment.
Ignition: In fuse panel.
Sliding sunroof No. 1: At front of sunroof, right most of three.
Sliding sunroof No. 2: At front of sunroof, center of three.
Sliding sunroof No. 3: At front of sunroof, left most of three.