Engine Disassembly
1. Remove A/C compressor and power steering pump bracket.
2. Remove left engine mount.
3. Remove spark plugs and oil level gauge.
4. Remove oil filter and filter body.
5. Remove oil pressure gauge.
6. Remove crank angle sensor.
7. Remove air pump drive belt, air pump and air pump bracket.
8. Remove alternator drive belt and alternator.
9. Remove clutch cover and clutch disc.
10. Remove metering oil connecting rod, throttle and dynamic chamber.
11. On non-turbocharged models, proceed as follows:
a. Remove exhaust absorber plate, exhaust manifold and insulator.
b. Remove fuel injector and delivery pipe.
c. Remove air hose, manifold oil nozzle and metering oil tube.
d. Remove intake manifold, housing oil nozzle and metering oil tube.
e. Remove metering oil pump and eccentric shaft pulley.
f. Remove water pump, engine harness and vacuum lines.
g. Remove EGR valve.
12. On turbocharged models, proceed as follows:
a. Remove secondary vacuum piping.
b. Remove primary fuel injector and distribution pipe.
c. Remove air control valve, then the switching actuator.
d. Remove water pipe, then the turbocharger and insulator.
e. Remove air hose, housing oil nozzle and manifold oil nozzle.
f. Remove intake manifold, exhaust manifold and insulator.
g. Remove metering oil pump and eccentric shaft pulley.
h. Remove water pump, then the dynamic chamber bracket.
i. Remove engine harness, vacuum piping and oil inlet pipe.
1. Remove the pulley from power steering oil pump by removing the attaching bolts (if equipped).
2. Remove the nuts and bolts that attach the water pump to the front housing.
3. Remove the alternator and air pump straps, and then the water pump.
1. Invert the engine on the engine stand.
2. Remove the bolts attaching the oil pan, and remove the oil pan.
3. Remove the bolts attaching the oil strainer, and remove the oil strainer and gasket.
1. Turn the engine on the engine stand so that the top of the engine is up.
2. On the engine equipped with manual transmission, attach the brake (49 F011 101) to the flywheel. On the engine equipped with automatic transmission, attach the stopper (49 1881 055) to the counter weight.
3. On 1984-85 models, remove the eccentric shaft pulley bolt, then the pulley.
4. On 1986-88 models, proceed as follows:
a. Remove eccentric shaft lock bolt.
b. Remove washer and O-ring from lock bolt.
c. Remove eccentric shaft bypass valve and spring.
d. Remove eccentric shaft pulley.
1. Turn the engine on the engine stand so that the front end of the engine is up.
2. On 1986-88 models, remove oil pressure control valve.
3. On all models, remove the front cover attaching bolts, and the front cover and gasket.
4. Remove the O-ring from the oil passage on the front housing.
1. Slide the distributor drive gear off the shaft.
2. Straighten the tab of the lock washer and remove the nut and lock washer from the oil pump sprocket.
Fig. 1 Removing oil pump drive:
3. Slide the oil pump sprocket and eccentric shaft sprocket together with the drive chain off the eccentric shaft and oil pump shaft simultaneously, Fig. 1.
4. On models equipped with turbocharger, remove oil pump baffle plate.
5. On all models, remove oil pump.
Fig. 2 Balance weight and bearing housing assemblies (Typical):
1. Remove the key from eccentric shaft, Fig. 2.
2. Slide the balance weight, thrust washer, needle bearing and spacer, if equipped, off the shaft.
3. Remove the bolts attaching the bearing housing, and slide the bearing housing, needle bearing, spacer and thrust plate off the shaft.
Manual Transmission
1. Turn the engine on the engine stand so that the top of the engine is up.
2. On 1984-85 models, attach the brake (49 1881 060) to the flywheel.
3. Remove the clutch cover attaching bolts, and remove the clutch cover assembly and clutch disc.
Removing Retaining Nut:
4. On all models, straighten the tab of the lock washer and remove the right hand threaded flywheel nut, using special tool (49 0820035) or equivalent.
5. Remove flywheel using suitable puller.
6. Remove the key from the eccentric shaft.
Automatic Transmission
1. Attach suitable counterweight stopper to the rear housing.
2. Remove the drive plate attaching bolts, then the drive plate and retainer.
Removing Lock Nut:
3. Straighten the tab of the lock washer and remove the right hand threaded counter weight nut using special tool (49 0820 035) or equivalent.
4. Remove the counter weight by using the puller (49 0839305A), turning the handle of the puller and lightly hitting the head of the puller.
5. Remove key from eccentric shaft, then the counter weight stopper.
Fig. 3 Rear housing tension bolts removal sequence:
1. Turn the engine on the engine stand so that the rear of the engine is up.
2. Loosen the tension bolts in sequence shown in Fig. 3. Loosen bolts in several steps. Note that some engines do not have the No. 6 tension bolt.
Fig. 4 Removing rear housing:
3. Remove rear housing from shaft, Fig. 4.
4. Remove seals remaining on rotor sliding surface of rear housing and place them back into their original positions.
5. On 1986-88 models, remove pressure regulator.
1. Remove the two sealing rubbers and O-ring from the rear side of the rear rotor housing.
Fig. 5 Removing tubular dowel:
2. Attach the puller (49 0813 215A), and pull the tubular dowels off the rear rotor housing while holding the rotor housing down by hand to prevent it from moving up, Fig. 5.
Fig. 6 Removing rear rotor housing:
3. Lift the rear rotor housing away from the rotor, Fig. 6, being careful not to drop the apex seals on the rear rotor. Remove the two sealing rubbers and O-ring from the front side of the rear rotor housing. Discard the used sealing rubbers and O-ring, then use new sealing rubbers and O-ring.
Fig. 7 Removing rear rotor side pieces:
1. Remove the side pieces, Fig. 7, each apex seal and spring from the rear rotor and place them in the seal case (49 0813 250), in accordance with the numbers near each respective groove on the face of the rotor.
2. Remove the all corner seals, corner seal springs, side seals and side seal springs from the rear side of the rotor, and place them in the seal case.
3. Remove the rear rotor away from the eccentric shaft and place it internal gear side down on a clean rubber pad or cloth.
4. Remove each seal and spring on the other side of the rear rotor.
5. Place a suitable protector onto the inner oil seal lip to protect the oil seal lip and remove the outer oil seal with remover (49 0813 225). Do not exert strong pressure at only one place to prevent deformation of the oil seal.
6. Remove the inner oil seal with oil seal remover. Discard the used O-rings and use new O-rings when the engine is reassembled.
7. Remove the oil seal springs from each respective groove.
8. Remove the oil seals and springs on the other side of the rear rotor.
9. Apply identification mark onto the rear rotor, so that when reassembling the engine the rotor can be installed in its original position.
Fig. 5 Removing tubular dowel:
1. Holding the intermediate housing down by hand, pull the tubular dowel off the intermediate housing using the puller (49 0813 215A), Fig. 5.
2. Lift the intermediate housing off the shaft, being careful not to damage the shaft. The intermediate housing should be removed by sliding it beyond the rear rotor journal on the eccentric shaft while holding the intermediate housing up and at the same time pushing up the eccentric shaft.
Remove the eccentric shaft being careful not to damage the rotor bearing and main bearing.
Remove the front housing and the front rotor assembly in the same manner as the rear rotor housing and rotor.