Engine Assembly
1. Apply clean engine oil to the inner surfaces of the new valve seal, then install valve seal on to the valve guide.
2. Install lower spring seat, then the valve. Install valve spring and upper spring seat into the cylinder head assembly. Install spring with its narrow pitch end toward the cylinder head.
3. Compress valve spring, then install spring retainer.
4. On DOHC engine, apply engine oil to sliding surfaces of hydraulic lash adjusters, then install them in the position from which they were moved, ensuring they move freely.
Fig. 26 Piston & rod assembly. SOHC engine:
1. Align oil groove in the large end of the connecting rod opposite the F mark on the piston, Fig. 26.
2. Apply a clean coat of engine oil on to the circumference of each piston pin and to the small end of each connecting rod.
Fig. 27 Piston pin installation. SOHC engine:
3. Place piston pin setting tools 498134041A, 498134042 and 498134043 or equivalents into position as shown in Fig. 27.
4. Insert the piston pin from the direction of the F mark on the piston.
5. Press upper portion of 498134042 with a suitable press to force the pin inward.
6. The piston pin should be pressed inward until the lower end of guide 498134044 meets the bottom of block 498134041A. Do not exceed 3300 lbs. When pressing pin into piston.
7. If a force greater than 3300 lbs, is required to install the piston pin, replace piston pin or connecting rod.
8. Hold piston and connecting rod assembly. Move crankshaft end of connecting rod completely upward, then release connecting rod crankshaft end. If the crankshaft end of the connecting rod does not drop by its own weight, replace piston and piston pin assembly.
Fig. 28 Positioning piston rings:
1. Install the three-piece oil rings on to the pistons as follows:
a. Apply clean engine oil to the oil ring spacer and rails.
b. Install the oil ring spacer.
c. Install the upper rail and the lower rail. After installing the upper and lower rails, ensure they turn smoothly in both directions. Do not align the end gaps, stagger them.
2. Install the second and top ring as follows:
a. Apply a liberal coat of clean engine oil on to the piston rings.
b. Install the second ring to the piston first, then the top one. The second and top rings must be installed with the R marks on the rings facing upward.
c. Position the opening of each ring as shown in Fig. 28.
1. Inspect oil clearances on the crankshaft and main bearings.
2. Remove any foreign material and oil from the journal and bearing.
3. Install the main bearings and the crankshaft.
4. Position Plastigage on top of each journal (in the journal axial direction), away from the oil hole.
5. Set the main bearing caps according to the cap number and forward mark and tighten cap bolts. Torque bolts to 40-43 ft.lbs.
6. Remove main bearing cap and measure oil clearance. Oil clearance should be .0011-.0027 inch for 1986 models or .0009-.0017 inch for 1987-88 models. If oil clearance exceeds specifications, grind crankshaft and use undersize main bearings. Undersize main bearings are available in undersizes of .010 inch, .020 inch and .030 inch.
7. Apply clean engine oil to main bearing and bearing journals.
8. Install the thrust bearings to the cylinder block side.
9. Install the crankshaft, and main bearing caps according to the cap number and forward direction mark on cap.
10. Check crankshaft endplay. Endplay should be between .0031-.0111 inch. If endplay exceeds specified amount, adjust endplay by using thrust bearings. Standard thickness available is .0984-.1004 inch. Undersize widths available are .010 inch, .020 inch and .030 inch. Oil groove of the thrust bearing must face the crankshaft.
1. Apply clean engine oil to the cylinder walls, piston and piston rings.
2. Insert each piston and connecting rod into the cylinder block. Install pistons with F mark on piston facing front of cylinder block.
1. Inspect and adjust the connecting rod bearing and crankshaft pin journal oil clearance by using the same procedure used for the crankshaft and main bearing oil clearance.
2. Torque connecting rod cap bolts to 37-41 ft.lbs. on 1986-87 models 35-38 ft.lbs. on 1988 SOHC engines or 48-51 ft.lbs. on 1988 DOHC engines. Align match marks on cap and on connecting rod when installing connecting rod cap.
3. Standard oil clearance is .0011-.0027 inch.
4. Undersize connecting rod bearings available are .010 inch, .020 inch and .030 inch.
5. Check side clearance of the connecting rod. Clearance should be .012 inch on SOHC engine, or .0118 inch on DOHC engine.
6. Apply clean engine oil to the crankpin journal and connecting rod bearing.
7. Install the connecting rod cap to align the match mark. Torque bolts to 37-41 ft.lbs. on 1986-87 models, 35-38 ft.lbs. on 1988 SOHC engine or 48-51 ft.lbs. on 1988 DOHC engine.
1. Apply clean engine oil to the rear cover, oil seal and oil seal lip.
2. Using a suitable press, install oil seal into the rear cover.
3. Install the rear cover along with a new gasket.
4. Torque rear cover attaching bolts to 69-95 inch lbs.
5. Cut away seal portion protruding from the rear cover assembly.
6. Install end plate assembly.
7. Torque end plate attaching bolts to 65-95 inch lbs.
1. Remove any dirt or grease from pump contact surfaces.
2. Apply clean engine oil to the oil pump seal lip.
3. Install a new gasket. When installing gasket, do not allow gasket sealer to block pump oil hole.
4. Install oil pump. Torque oil pump attaching bolts to 14-19 ft.lbs.
5. Install oil strainer and a new gasket. Torque oil strainer attaching bolts to 69-95 inch lbs.
6. Install oil baffle plate, if equipped. Torque oil baffle plate attaching bolts to 14-19 ft.lbs.
Fig. 29 Oil pan sealant areas. SOHC engine:
7. Apply suitable sealer to cylinder block as shown in Fig. 29.
8. Install gasket and oil pan. Torque oil pan attaching bolts to 52-78 inch lbs. for 1986 and 1988 models or 69-78 inch lbs. for 1987 models.
1. Using a suitable drift and hammer, tap flywheel pilot bearing into flywheel.
2. Apply sealer 853077743 or equivalent, on to flywheel bolts. If original flywheel bolts are used, clean threads to remove old sealant, apply new sealant and torque attaching bolts to 71-75 ft.lbs. If old sealant cannot be removed, install new bolts.
3. Install flywheel and torque attaching bolts to 71-75 ft.lbs.
4. Install clutch disc and clutch cover, using clutch disc centering tool 49SE01301 or equivalent.
5. Torque clutch cover attaching bolts to 13-20 ft.lbs.
1. Remove any dirt or old gasket from water pump mounting surface.
2. Place a new water pump gasket into position.
3. Install water pump. Torque pump attaching bolts to 14-29 ft.lbs. for 1986 models or 14-19 ft.lbs. for 1987-88 models.
Fig. 35 Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence. 1986-87:
1. Thoroughly remove all dirt and grease from top of cylinder block.
2. Place a new cylinder head gasket in position.
3. Install cylinder head. Torque cylinder head bolts gradually and in sequence shown in Fig. 35 to 63-67 ft.lbs. for 1986 models or 56-60 ft.lbs. for 1987 and 1988 models.
4. Apply clean engine oil to camshaft journals and bearings, the install camshaft.
Fig. 37 Rocker arm & shaft assembly:
1. Assemble rocker arm and rocker shaft assembly as shown in Fig. 37.
2. Ensure both rocker arm shaft oil holes face downward. The installation bolt holes are different for the exhaust and intake sides.
3. There are two types of rocker arms with different offsets. The rocker arms used for the No. 1 and No. 2 cylinders are the same for exhaust and intake, No. 3 and No. 4 also use the same rockers.
Fig. 38 Rocker arm & shaft attaching bolt tightening sequence:
4. Install rocker arm and rocker shaft assembly. Torque attaching bolts gradually and in sequence shown in Fig. 38 to 14-17 ft.lbs. for 1986 models or 16-21 for 1987-88 models.
1. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to camshaft oil seal and into the cylinder head.
2. Using a suitable drift and hammer, tap camshaft oil seal into the cylinder head.
1. Install timing belt pulley and key.
2. Apply sealer 853077743 or equivalent, on to timing belt pulley bolt. Torque attaching bolt to 80-94 ft.lbs.
3. Slowly turn crankshaft so that timing mark on oil pump body is aligned with groove mark.
4. Install camshaft pulley on to dowel pin and with pin groove facing upward. Ensure that dowel pin on camshaft also faces upward.
5. Tighten camshaft pulley bolt. Hold camshaft using a suitable wrench. Torque attaching bolt to 36-45 ft.lbs.
6. Ensure timing mark on cylinder head and timing mark on camshaft pulley are aligned properly.
7. Install timing belt tensioner and tensioner spring.
8. Temporarily secure tensioner so spring is completely extended.
9. Install timing belt. The timing belt must be installed in the direction of previous rotation if the original belt is used.
10. Loosen tensioner lock bolt.
11. Turn crankshaft twice in the direction of rotation and align timing marks.
12. Ensure timing marks are correctly aligned.
13. Torque timing belt tensioner lock bolt to 14-19 ft.lbs.
14. Measure tension between crankshaft pulley and camshaft pulley. Tension should be 22 lbs.
15. Install timing belt cover gaskets and covers. Torque cover attaching bolts to 69-95 inch lbs.
1. Install crankshaft pulley and baffle plate.
2. Torque crankshaft pulley attaching bolts to 11-13 ft.lbs. on SOHC cam engine or to 109-152 inch lbs. on DOHC engine.
Carbureted Models Only
1. Apply clean engine oil to the fuel cam contact surface.
2. Install fuel pump, insulator and gasket.
3. Torque fuel pump attaching bolts to 17-22 ft.lbs.
1. Install oil pressure switch.
2. Install engine hanger.
3. Install thermostat and thermostat cover.
4. On 1986-87 models, install distributor as follows:
a. Apply clean engine oil to distributor O-ring and place on to distributor.
b. Apply clean engine oil to distributor drive gear, then align distributor blade with oil holes.
c. Install distributor into cylinder head with No. 1 piston at TDC of compression stroke.
d. Temporarily tighten distributor hold-down bolt.
5. On 1988 models, install distributor as follows:
a. Apply engine oil to O-ring and position it on distributor.
b. Apply engine oil to drive gear.
c. Install distributor with the blade into the camshaft groove.
6. Release fuel system pressure as follows:
a. Start engine, then disconnect circuit opening relay connector.
b. After engine stalls, turn ignition switch Off.
c. Connect circuit opening relay connector.
7. Disconnect battery ground cable.
8. Loosely tighten distributor hold-down bolt.
9. Install spark plugs and spark plug wires.
10. Install intake manifold and coolant bypass hose.
11. Install coolant inlet pipe, upper and lower radiator hose.
12. Install exhaust manifold and alternator.
13. Install power steering pump bracket, if removed, A/C compressor bracket, if removed and engine mount.