Idle Speed/Throttle Actuator - Electronic: Testing and Inspection
Fig. 28 Air bypass & power steering relay terminal identification.:
1. Check signal as follows:
a. Disconnect electrical connector at water thermo sensor.
b. Connect a 2k ohm resistor to terminals of connector.
c. Connect voltmeter to terminal (BrY) of air bypass solenoid valve connector and ground.
d. Start engine. Voltmeter should read 0 volts for 17 seconds after engine starts, then rise to 12 volts.
2. Check air bypass solenoid valve as follows:
a. Disconnect air bypass solenoid valve electrical connector.
b. If resistance of air bypass solenoid valve is not 9.2-11.3 ohms on non-turbocharged models, or 16.2-19.8 ohms on turbocharged models, replace valve.
3. Check air bypass relay on non-turbocharged models, or power steering relay on turbocharged models, as follows:
a. Apply 12 volts to terminal A and ground to terminal B, Fig. 28.
b. Check for continuity between terminals C and D. With no voltage applied, there should be no continuity. With 12 volts applied, there should be continuity.
c. Replace relay as necessary.