Manual Transaxle 4WD
Remove the oil-supply port plug. Check if the oil level is near the opening.
If the level is low, add the specified oil.
OIL SEAL (Transfer Carrier)
1. Remove the drain plug and oil.
2. Remove the propeller shaft.
3. Before loosening the lock nut, measure the rotation starting torque of the drive pinion.
NOTE: Make a notation of this torque, at the time of installation, tighten the lock nut to this value.
4. Remove the lock nut with the SST.
5. Remove the companion flange with the SST.
6. Remove the oil seal.
7. Install the new oil seal with the SST.
NOTE: Coat the seal with differential oil.
8. Coat companion flange seal surface with differential oil and install the washer and companion flange.
9. Tighten the bolt with the SST.
NOTE: Check the drive pinion preload.
10. Install the drain plug and add the specified oil.
Tightening torque: 39-59 N.m (4-6 m-kg, 29-43 ft-lb)
OIL SEAL (Transaxle)
1. Remove the tie-rod end from the knuckle with the SST.
2. Remove the clinch bolt and pull the lower arm downward. Separate the knuckle from the lower arm ball-joint.
NOTE: Be careful not to damage the ball-joint dust boot.
3. Remove the drain plug and oil.
4. Remove the joint shaft bolts.
5. Remove the wheel hub and shaft.
6. Remove the oil seal.
7. Install the new oil seal with the SST.
NOTE: Coat transaxle oil on oil seal.
8. Fit a new clip on driveshaft.
9. Install the driveshaft to transaxle and transfer carrier.
10. Install the joint shaft.
Tightening torque: 42-62 N.m (4.3-6.3 m-kg, 31-46 ft-lb)
11. Install the lower arm ball-joint to the knuckle and tighten.
Tightening torque: 43-54 N.m (4.4-5.5 m-kg, 32-40 ft-lb)
12. Install the tie-rod end to the knuckle and tighten it.
Tightening torque: 29-44 N.m (3.0-4.5 m-kg, 22-33 ft-lb)
13. Install the drain plug and add the specified oil from oil-supply port plug.
Tightening torque: 39-54 N.m (4.0-5.5 m-kg, 29-40 ft-lb)