Mazda Trouble Codes - 1987/ 626
If a transaxle electrical problem exists, the "O/D OFF" light will flash on and off as long as the key is on. This is not a code. It's an indication that the transaxle has an immediate problem. Check for codes. If the problem isn't occurring now, the light won't flash, but the controller will have stored the code in memory.
Trouble codes will be displayed by watching an LED test light or analog voltmeter pulse on and off when hooked to the correct ECAT controller diagnostic connector wire.
Locate the white ECAT diagnostic connector. It's under the dash, to the left of the steering column dangling from the harness hooked to the ECAT controller. Connect either your test light positive clip or VOM positive probe to the BLUE/BLACK STRIPE wire in the connector. Make sure the POWER/ECON switch is in the ECON position.
Push the "O/D OFF" switch down.
Turn the key ON.
The first code in memory will now make your light or VOM pulse on and off.
To advance to the next code in memory push the "O/D OFF" button TWICE. If there is another code in memory, it will now flash. If not, the first (and only) code will repeat. After each code is displayed, push the "O/D OFF" switch twice until you return to the first code given. If no codes are present, you won't get any flashes. Test the computers ability to diagnose itself by unplugging the solenoids and turning the key on. You should now get codes for the solenoids.
Your light or meter will give you long and short pulses. Long pulses (1.2 seconds) are the "tens" digit of a two digit code, and short pulses (0.2 seconds) are the "ones" digit of a one or two digit code.
Disconnect the battery negative terminal for 60 seconds. All codes will be cleared.
6. Throttle Position Sensor circuit open or shorted.
11. Solenoid circuits open or shorted.
12. Solenoid circuits open or shorted.
13. Solenoid circuits open or shorted.
14. Solenoid circuits open or shorted.