Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
Fig. 29 Cylinder Head Replacement. SOHC Engine:
Fig. 30 Cylinder Head Replacement. DOHC Engine:
1. Release fuel system pressure, refer to Powertrain Management/Fuel Delivery and Air Induction/Service and Repair.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable, then drain engine coolant.
3. Remove cylinder head in numbered sequence, Figs. 29 and 30, noting the following:
a. Disconnect and plug fuel hoses.
b. On DOHC models, cover intake, exhaust and oil ports of turbocharger.
c. On all models, remove timing belt, refer to TIMING BELT.
d. On SOHC models, hold camshaft on cast hexagon to remove camshaft pulley.
Fig. 31 Cylinder Head Tightening Sequence. SOHC Engine:
Fig. 32 Cylinder Head Tightening Sequence. DOHC Engine:
Fig. 33 Cylinder Head Cover Sealant Application:
4. Install cylinder head reversing numbered sequence, Figs. 29 and 30, noting the following:
a. On DOHC models, install thermostat with jiggle pin facing upward.
b. On all models, torque cylinder head bolts in three steps in sequence shown in Figs. 31 and 32, to 56-60 ft. lbs.
c. On SOHC models, install camshaft pulley onto dowel pin and keyway with matching mark straight up.
d. On all models, install timing belt, refer to TIMING BELT.
e. Apply sealant to cylinder head cover as shown in Fig. 33.
f. On SOHC models, align distributor blade with small oil holes, then install distributor.
g. On DOHC models, align distributor blade with grooved matching mark on body, then install distributor.