Ignition Timing: Adjustments
PREPARATION1. Check engine condition (spark plugs, leaks in hoses, etc.).
2. Turn all accessories "OFF."
3. Warm engine to operating temperature.
4. Connect a tachometer and timing light to engine.
Fig. 27 Test Connector:
1. Ground test connector (Green: 1-pin) with a jumper wire.
2. Check idle speed.
650 ± 20 rpm in "P" range
Fig. 29 Throttle Body Blind Cap:
Fig. 28 Idle Adjustment:
3. If idle speed is not within specification, remove blind cap and correct speed by turning air adjusting screw.
Fig. 30 Timing Mark:
4. Check that timing mark on crankshaft pulley and mark on timing belt cover are aligned to specification as listed below.
15° ± 1° BTDC
Fig. 31 Distributor Adjustment:
5. If timing is not within specification, loosen distributor lock bolt and rotate distributor housing to adjust.
6. Tighten distributor lock bolt to 14 - 18 ft lb (19 - 25 Nm).
7. After adjustment, disconnect jumper wire from test connector.
8. While aiming timing light at marks, increase engine speed and check that ignition timing advances.